“A formula for daily forgiveness?”
How much false doctrine can God overlook and still save a person? How can we best understand 1 John 1:9? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times about his love? How were people in the Old Testament saved?
“How can I forgive an abusive pastor?”
Is it okay for the church today to use musical instruments for worship? Why did Peter put on his coat (or garment) before swimming? How can I forgive an abusive pastor from my past? How did John the Baptist not get killed as a baby by Herod’s edict? I heard that what God wrote on […]
“Why will we judge angels?”
What is “repentance toward God”? Why are believers going to judge the angels? My friends tell me to keep the Sabbath. Are they right? Where was Jesus for three days after He died? If God forgave all my sins, why would I be judged for them?
Give an account? Plead the blood? Not exactly.
Do Christians have to give an account for their sins? Does 2 Corinthians 5 describe a second and separate judgment for believers? Do we need to plead the blood of Jesus over people or situations? Is that idea in the New Testament? What is the discipline of the Lord? How is it different from the […]
“They won’t believe me!”
Is Hebrews 6 addressing believers, or unbelievers, or both? A family member says I hurt them, and they will no longer talk to me. But what they currently believe I did isn’t actually true. What should I do? How does our righteousness factor into daily struggles with those who hurt us?
08.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is Jesus doing in Luke 6:38? Has the Law “ended”? Do the unsaved have a measure of faith? What about believers who keep on sinning? Are we sealed by the Spirit?
08.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do Catholic priests wear robes? Why does John write that we need to abide in Christ to not shrink back at His return? I feel like I’ve had two salvation experiences. When was I actually saved? How were people in the Old Testament made right before God?