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Radio Shows
November 27, 2024

Is the whole world saved? Is the whole world forgiven? Does the whole world have the Holy Spirit? What does the Bible say about worry and anxiety?

Radio Shows
November 26, 2024

What sends a person to Hell? is it necessary to be ordained to minister to others? Why did Jesus say we would worship Him in spirit and in truth? How can we talk about the message of God’s grace in the fewest words possible?

Radio Shows
November 25, 2024

How would you help a believer who is involved in sexual immorality? Do we see God immediately when we die or do we have to wait? How is God always the same but then the Old Testament is filled with such violence? Does God bring disaster upon us? I feel so condemned because of my failed marriage and my past. What can I do?

Can women speak in church? Can they serve as leaders? What is replacement theology? What’s the truth about Jews and Gentiles in the church? I asked my friend about Catholic confirmation, and it feels like he’s now shunning me. How do you know your calling? I want to date a Catholic woman, but I’m not sure how to start the conversation about our different beliefs.

Radio Shows
November 22, 2024

Did James understand grace? Did he disagree with Paul? Was James “zealous for the law”? Did James teach “certain men” to be legalistic?

Radio Shows
November 21, 2024

Do we need to ask for forgiveness? What about the Lord’s Prayer? What does it mean to be obedient to God’s commands? Why does it seem like public prayer is often so formal and artificial?

Radio Shows
November 20, 2024

Is Jesus half-God and half-man? I’m a new believer, and I wonder what dependency on the Lord really looks like. What is the “secret place” in Psalm 91? Do the “bowls of wrath” in Revelation 16 relate to creatures, to humans, or to both?

Radio Shows
November 19, 2024

How did Jesus live 33 years without sinning? Did the way of salvation get narrower or wider after Jesus? Who is invited? Is “slain in the spirit” a biblical concept? Do we need to call God and Jesus by their Hebrew names? Why are there so many Bible versions? Why does the King James Bible have extra verses in it?

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