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All Radio Shows

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Why did John the Baptist have to baptize Jesus? How did this event “fulfill all righteousness”? What does God allow in our lives? What about natural disasters like in Florida? Should we worry about having “graven images” of Jesus in our homes? Is it healthy for churches to preach about politics? What is the Scriptural justification for missionaries?

Radio Shows
October 8, 2024

I have feelings for an old boyfriend who says he’s born again now. It hasn’t been very long, so what should I do? How do we get rid of idols in our lives and put God first? How do we know there’s a God at all? What could we tell an unbeliever about the benefits of being a Christian?

Radio Shows
October 7, 2024

What is the neglected message of the cross? Am I part of a Korean cult? What does it mean to vote biblically? Why does Paul target sexual immorality as “sinning against your own body”? What does “the meek will inherit the earth” mean?

Radio Shows
October 6, 2024

After we come to know God’s grace, then what? For example, how would we deal with addiction? How did God rescue us from being dead in our sins? How can my daughter get closer to God? Should we get her water baptized? My son has been abused by his father, and no one will listen to our case. Please help me get these terms, straight: old self, flesh, sinful nature, sin, carnal mind.

Radio Shows
October 4, 2024

Should I still honor my mother and father if the relationship with them is toxic? Will some of the elect (the church) be deceived in the end times or not? Is there an age of accountability that the Bible explicitly supports? How should we approach the love and mercy of God when it comes to children? What about God‘s justice?

Radio Shows
October 3, 2024

How do we define sin without the Law? How do we live the Christian life without depending on the Ten Commandments? Did Jesus have any fallenness about Him? Did Jesus restore us to a condition closer to that of Adam and Eve? Why are some people using Ecclesiastes 10:2 to talk about American politics? What is the context and takeaway from Paul’s Romans 7 struggle with jealousy?

What is the remedy for perfectionism and criticism of myself and others? Why does Matthew say those who endure will be saved? Why did Jesus say we would do greater works than Him? Can we just ask for anything in Jesus’s name and expect it? Can demons physically harm you?

How do I deepen my relationship with God? What about fear of an unknown future? How should we view 2 Chronicles 7:14 when it comes to our nations and our relationship with God? Why does Paul say, “if you are living according to the flesh, you must die” in Romans 8?

Radio Shows
September 30, 2024

How do we reconcile Old Testament violence with the message of Jesus today? What does James 2 mean when it says three times that we are “justified by works”? (We can’t ignore the presence of this phrase, and we must wrestle with it.) Why does James 5 say we will come under judgment if we don’t keep our word? Aren’t Christians free from God’s judgment?

Tags: Abraham, consequences, hypocrisy, James, James 5, judgment, justified, Old Testament, Rahab, violence, works

Radio Shows
September 29, 2024

Is there a rapture? How many judgments will there be? Does all sickness come from the soul? Does committing a willful sin mean you’re not saved? How and when exactly are we saved? Should I separate from or divorce my husband? It’s been many years of struggle and abuse. If every knee will bow, then will everyone be saved? What did Jesus mean by the word “paradise”?

Radio Shows
September 27, 2024

Should we be reciting the Lord’s Prayer? What is Sheol? Is it purgatory? Does God hold blessings back because we are struggling with sin?

Radio Shows
September 26, 2024

Whom did God give over in Romans 1? Why? Is water baptism necessary to be saved? How do we know whether we are operating by the Spirit or by human effort?

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