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Radio Shows
September 6, 2024

Some think they’re hearing from those who have died. What do you say to that? I was in the hospital for a month with cancer and experienced a lot of accusation and condemnation in my mind. Where was that coming from? My dad is pressuring me to keep the Sabbath day. Am I supposed to? How can I harness the power to heal the sick?

Tags: accusation, comfort, condemnation, forgiveness, grief, healing, miracles, sabbath

Radio Shows
September 5, 2024

Sometimes, I wonder about my salvation. I did backslide a while ago. Now I wonder about my desire to read the Bible, attend church and donate money. I guess I’m just wondering why I’ve lost my motivation and how I can get it back!

Radio Shows
September 4, 2024

Is love only a decision, not a feeling? What about when you’re dating? Is physical attraction important? Who needs to lose their life in Mark 8? Why does Jesus say this? I can’t seem to find a church where they’re truly proclaiming the depths of the Gospel. It seems like so many churches are telling believers they’re never quite good enough for God!

Radio Shows
September 3, 2024

What is “childlike faith”? What does it look like? I want peace with God, and I wonder how I can have that relationship with God as my Father. Can you help me? What is one powerful passage of Scripture I can share with a friend who wants to learn about the message of God’s grace?

*Previously aired.

Radio Shows
September 2, 2024

Why do some people only read what appears to be half of Romans 8:1? Should I be good friends with unbelievers if they’re pulling me away from other Christians? Does Hebrew 6 mean the blood of Jesus could run out on me? I don’t understand the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer. Why would God ask Hosea to marry a prostitute?

*Previously aired.

Radio Shows
September 1, 2024

Does the Holy Spirit sometimes speak through us? What does that entail? Is “once saved, always saved” really true? What about being lukewarm? Isn’t there an unpardonable sin? What’s on your heart and mind lately, Andrew? How should we view the impossible demands of the Sermon on the Mount? My long-time boyfriend and I are both believers, and we are living together. What are your thoughts on sex outside of marriage?

Radio Shows
August 30, 2024

Why do some people only read what appears to be half of Romans 8:1? Should I be good friends with unbelievers if they’re pulling me away from other Christians? Does Hebrew 6 mean the blood of Jesus could run out on me? I don’t understand the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer. Why would God ask Hosea to marry a prostitute?

Radio Shows
August 29, 2024

What is discernment? Some of my friends listen to explicit music that is laced with profanity. How should I deal with this situation? My friend quotes Matthew 19 to say that we’re still under the 10 Commandments today. What’s the truth?

Radio Shows
August 28, 2024

Can we give up our birthright (our salvation)? If not, then why does Hebrews 12 mention Esau giving up his? What does God canceling “the certificate of debt” mean in Colossians 2? I feel like the Lord asked me to do a bunch of things that I wasn’t willing to do. Then I rebelled and married a man who may be an unbeliever. Now I have a child with him. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to try to go back to my old life. Can you help?

Radio Shows
August 27, 2024

What is “childlike faith”? What does it look like? I want peace with God, and I wonder how I can have that relationship with God as my Father. Can you help me? What is one powerful passage of Scripture I can share with a friend who wants to learn about the message of God’s grace?

What does it mean to “receive the grace of God in vain”? Why does Paul tell the Corinthians not to teach unclean things? I was a believer, but I got involved in materialism. Now, I feel lost. Why would God make a Devil who would tempt me? How can there be a loving God if there’s so much suffering in the world? What does it mean to ask God to forgive you of all your sins?

Why does Paul mention defilement of flesh and spirit if we cannot be spiritually defiled as believers? Is the Roman Catholic church the one true church? My brother is a minister, and he is sleeping with multiple women and involved in substance abuse. What should I do? Some say that home church or online church doesn’t “count.” What are your thoughts? Why is the Apocrypha not in our canon of Scripture? What are the good works that God has prepared in advance for us? Why is the Word of Faith movement so damaging? What is the truth about the false idea of guaranteed health or wealth?

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