God’s “Superman” and His “Fortress of Solitude”?
What does the Bible say about singlehood? Was Paul God’s “Superman”? How do we enter God’s “fortress of solitude”? How do we best understand the Trinity? I can’t find a solid church to attend! Was I baptized incorrectly? Do we need to “draw near” to God?
Replacement Theology? Catholicism? Pentecostalism?
Can women speak in church? Can they serve as leaders? What is replacement theology? What’s the truth about Jews and Gentiles in the church? I asked my friend about Catholic confirmation, and it feels like he’s now shunning me. How do you know your calling? I want to date a Catholic woman, but I’m not […]
07.07.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
It’s so important to distinguish message from messenger! What about those who never hear the gospel? How are we to understand the issues related to end times? Does Revelation 22 mean there will be no sun or light in heaven, other than God? What is the heart of God toward us? What does He want […]
“I read Jesus, not Paul!”
What is the best way to study the Bible? How can I respond to “red letter Christians” who essentially discredit or ignore the teachings of Paul? Are certain New Testament letters just for pastors? Was the disciple Simon a Gentile? When exactly was Paul saved? Did water baptism play a role? Did any works factor […]
“Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11?”
How does the Holy Spirit interact with nature? Why did Jesus say “I have other sheep not of this fold”? I’m being harassed on Facebook. How do I strengthen my armor to endure this? Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11? What is the difference between the gospel of grace and the gospel of […]
Do we need to “hold fast” to stay saved?
Why do Hebrews and Colossians say to “hold fast“ or “continue”? Does this imply we could lose our salvation? Is Romans 7 about Paul before or after his conversion? When Romans 8 says “no condemnation”, is it referring to total forgiveness of our future sins? Why do some Christians seem to have a negative view […]
11.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do dispensationalists say there’s one message for Jews and another for Gentiles? Who was Jesus praying for when He said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”? Is there a difference between confessing and asking for forgiveness? Will we remember our unbelieving friends and relatives in Heaven? If God’s Spirit bears witness […]
11.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does the Bible record a story about King Saul visiting a medium? Are some people predestined for Heaven and others for Hell? Why does Romans 9 say God will have mercy on whomever He pleases? A pastor baptized my grandson and said he’d need to be baptized in the Spirit later. Is this true?
08.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Did Paul instruct Gentiles to obey the Law? Could Jesus have actually sinned? Does James 5 tell us that a believer can lose salvation and gain it back again? Why did Paul and the apostles sometimes seem to make compromises regarding Old Testament regulations?
07.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Paul tell the Galatians they’ve been redeemed from the Law if Gentiles are not under the Law to begin with? Do I need to seek restitution with others to be forgiven by God? I was divorced, and I’m now remarried. I’ve heard that I’m living in a perpetual state of adultery? Is this […]
04.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Jesus warn not to “look back” or you’re not fit for the kingdom? How were Gentiles included in the Gospel? Who is being “cut off” in Romans 11?
04.04.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is predestination? What is Romans 9 trying to say concerning Jacob and Esau, Pharaoh, and the Potter and the clay? Did Jesus only come for Israel?
02.16.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Was the prodigal son‘s inheritance revoked by the father? Can I not be used by God if I’ve been through a divorce? What’s actually happening when I feel guilty for my sins? What’s the danger in looking at Acts as doctrinal while ignoring its role as a history book?
02.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
In Acts 10, is there a multi-year gap in between Pentecost and the Gentiles being saved? Is God helping us keep the Law? What does it mean to be in Christ or hidden with Christ in God? Should we ask the Holy Spirit to “fall fresh” on us? What should we think about revivals? Does […]
11.02.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How is Jesus the Prince of Peace if he came with a sword (Matthew 10)? What is Romans 9 talking about if we are not individually predestined to believe? Is Hebrews 6 warning Christians about loss of salvation? If not, what does it really mean?
10.17.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the role of the Holy Spirit? Why does Paul say the Law is written in the unbelievers’ heart? Do we have to ask forgiveness for each sin? What does it mean to honor the finished work of Christ?
01.18.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Jesus speak of many “thieves” plural who come to steal, kill, and destroy? Is it okay to befriend unbelievers or should we separate ourselves from them? Was there sin before the Law? How were people convicted of sin before the Law? How are Jews and Gentiles convicted today? When did the glory of […]