“Mediums? Channeling? Demons?”
My mother passed away a while ago, and her husband wants to put her on a Mormon list to be married eternally. Is that okay? What should we think about channeling and mediums? What about Halloween? And demon possession? Is the church replacing Israel? Is there a second blessing or second portion of the Spirit […]
10.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I experience blasphemous thoughts and wonder if I’m ruining my salvation. I can sing the Bible! Is it okay for children to dress up and go out for candy today? Why does the Lord’s Prayer say, “Lead us not into temptation”? I thought God didn’t tempt us! Why do we put the Old Testament with […]
10.31.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Will we have free will in Heaven? Could the fall of humanity start all over again? What does it mean to live under grace? What are your thoughts on Halloween?
10.14.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
When does concern become fear? Is it okay for believers to possess firearms for self defense? What does it really mean to walk by the Spirit? Should we really base our self-worth on God’s “opinion” of us? Are we free to participate in any of the events surrounding Halloween? Why or why not?
10.27.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!
What does it mean to take up our cross daily? And what do we do daily? Can I lose my salvation? Can a Christian celebrate halloween?