“Am I really saved?”

What about people who’ve never heard the gospel? How should we view Israel and the church? Are we descendants from Isaac or Ishmael? How can I know if God’s Spirit lives in me? Am I really saved if I still continue to struggle with sin? What does Psalm 92 mean about trees and maturity? What […]

“Holiness movement? Replacement theology?”*

What is the holiness movement? How can I rescue my friends from it? Our kids are not attending college and want to live at home. How should we approach this? How old is the universe? Can we know for sure? How do we relate to people we disagree with on this issue? What is replacement […]

“Holiness movement? Replacement theology?”

What is the holiness movement? How can I rescue my friends from it? Our kids are not attending college and want to live at home. How should we approach this? How old is the universe? Can we know for sure? How do we relate to people we disagree with on this issue? What is replacement […]

“Lordship salvation” fosters fear!

What is Lordship salvation? Why do so many people lack assurance with God? Did the Queen of Sheba and Solomon have a baby together? My Bible study teacher said it’s wrong to pray for both the people of Israel and the Palestinians (casualties, children, famine, etc.). Is that really true?

You’re never out of fellowship with God!

Is your next sin already forgiven? Is all of Israel going to be saved? Will I recognize my wife in Heaven? I’m afraid of backsliding. Any advice? Do Christians sometimes break fellowship with God? What does it mean that Jesus rose from the dead?

“Does God still discipline us?”

Does God chastise us? Discipline us? What does that look like? Was the thief on the cross the first Christian? Does Acts 16 mean that we can believe and our whole family is then saved? How did God divide Israel’s land? Why? What does it mean to trust in the Lord and not your own […]

Do we need to “hold fast” to stay saved?

Why do Hebrews and Colossians say to “hold fast“ or “continue”? Does this imply we could lose our salvation? Is Romans 7 about Paul before or after his conversion? When Romans 8 says “no condemnation”, is it referring to total forgiveness of our future sins? Why do some Christians seem to have a negative view […]

“Righteous by Birth, Not Behavior”

I’m a horrible person and I hate myself. What can I do about this? Am I allowed to have opinions about Israel’s actions or is that offensive to God? How do the issues of vengeance and judgment actually work with God? Have you noticed that we are so behavior-focused within Christianity? I have forgiven my […]

12.07.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does forgiveness always mean going back to the relationship? What is Luke 11:35 really saying about light and darkness? Do people in Heaven see what’s happening on Earth? Does a Christian need to be “activated”? How do I explain war to my 13-year-old?

11.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Romans say “all of Israel will be saved”? How can we properly understand the “grafting in“ and “cutting off” in Romans 11? What is the “reward“ and “loss” in 1 Corinthians 3? I struggle with depression, and I have a hard time finding joy in my life. Can you help?

10.16.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Might some promises in Isaiah be spiritually relevant to the church? Are the “irrevocable gifts” in Romans 11 evidence that we can’t lose our salvation? Is Israel right to defend themselves against Hamas? (Yes!) Is God judging Israel through recent events? (No!)

07.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does Israel possess a special anointing or blessing related to medicine or technology? How did God give His only begotten Son if He simply went back to Heaven? Do we really give our life to God or does He give His life to us? Will the whole world realize the return of Christ is happening […]

04.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How should we react to the Ananias and Sapphira event in Acts 5? What specifically does Christ’s resurrection do for you? Does Deuteronomy 30 say that Israel was able to keep the Law? Do I have to read the Bible every day? What is “the flesh”? What does it mean to be set free in […]

06.05.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How can I know I’ve done the will of the Father? Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Why are there so many different religious messages out there? What is the difference between having a choice and having free will? When does the New Testament begin? What is the gospel of the kingdom? Why […]

09.20.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

We are supposed to walk by faith, but when will God comfort me or change my feelings? If we don’t support Israel, will God curse us? What does it mean to be acquainted with weakness? When I am worshiping and I start crying, is that the spirit or the soul or both? What does the Parable of the sower […]

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