Works burned? Suffer loss? Here’s the truth!

Do James 1 and Romans 6 disagree regarding the source of temptation? Who was Simon of Cyrene? Our governor signed legislation that I disagree with. What can I do? How do we define sin? How do we know when we’ve sinned? Is it a feeling? Who are the two groups that become one in Ephesians […]

05.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does 2 Peter 3:17 mean we can lose our salvation? Does sin cause a rift between us and God? Why does 1 Corinthians 10 cite the punishment of Israel if believers are not punished by God? Why does Paul say we have “all things” in 1 Corinthians 3? What role does the renewing of the […]

06.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

When a believer sins, is it rebellion? What does James 1 say we should ask God for without doubting? How do you forgive someone from the heart? What if your feelings don’t line up? Will cremation keep us from enjoying a new, resurrection body? Is it okay to ask God for protection, both physical and […]

08.06.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

What are your thoughts on John 6:48-62? In the Old Testament it says that God is a jealous God, and then in the New Testament it says love is not envious, what are your thoughts on this? Are women saved through childbearing like 1 Timothy 2:15 says? What does it mean to be a doer […]