“How can I forgive an abusive pastor?”
Is it okay for the church today to use musical instruments for worship? Why did Peter put on his coat (or garment) before swimming? How can I forgive an abusive pastor from my past? How did John the Baptist not get killed as a baby by Herod’s edict? I heard that what God wrote on […]
Opposites attract in dating?
What do you think about “opposites attract” in dating? What does “faith without works is dead” really mean? Why are you saying that Old Testament giving was actually around 23% per year? My friend uses Acts 2:38 to say we have to be baptized in water to be saved. How can I talk to him […]
“Who created God?”
What is the Amplified Bible? What are your thoughts on translations? Could you pray for me and my grandsons? What’s the deal with circumcision in the Old Testament? And what about women? So, who created God?
“Old Testament violence? Natural disasters?”
How would you help a believer who is involved in sexual immorality? Do we see God immediately when we die or do we have to wait? How is God always the same but then the Old Testament is filled with such violence? Does God bring disaster upon us? I feel so condemned because of my […]
Old Testament violence? Ouch!
How do we reconcile Old Testament violence with the message of Jesus today? What does James 2 mean when it says three times that we are “justified by works”? (We can’t ignore the presence of this phrase, and we must wrestle with it.) Why does James 5 say we will come under judgment if we […]
More Grace = More Godliness
Did Jesus only fulfill some of the Law? Did we believers only die to some of the Law? What are the “good intentions” of those who teach Law-based living and rule-keeping? How about those who teach we can lose our salvation? My friend doesn’t want to hear me say anything about the Old Testament. Help! […]
“Are you saying that morality is determined by the culture?”
Why was there polygamy in the Old Testament? Does it mean God is okay with it? Does morality change over time? Why did Jesus tell John the Baptist they were fulfilling all righteousness? What Bible version should I read?
Closer to God? No!
Are we progressively getting closer to God? Do we have to be baptized to go to Heaven? Did Jesus appear in the Old Testament? From a grace perspective, what is the value of a quiet time?
“Is it okay to live together?”
Is it okay for Christian couples to live together without being married? How did King Saul really die? Is there a discrepancy in the Old Testament about his death? Is it really possible to use the name of Jesus yet not know Him? Why does Jesus say “Depart from Me” to some people?
Why did Jesus have to die?
Should we only listen to Christian music? Who did Adam and Eve’s children marry? Do we know exactly when Jesus was crucified? Why did He have to die? Is the Old Testament still important today? Is the gift of tongues for every believer?
“We unplug from Adam and get plugged in to Christ”
What are the ways in which Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled by Jesus? What exactly happened at the fall for Adam and Eve? I want a deeper spiritual relationship with someone close to me, but I always seem to feel rejected. Any advice?
Do we need to “hold fast” to stay saved?
Why do Hebrews and Colossians say to “hold fast“ or “continue”? Does this imply we could lose our salvation? Is Romans 7 about Paul before or after his conversion? When Romans 8 says “no condemnation”, is it referring to total forgiveness of our future sins? Why do some Christians seem to have a negative view […]
02.13.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does the New Testament say no one has seen God if He appeared to people in the Old Testament? Does the Bible contradict itself? What does it mean to not love things of this world? How do you know when you’ve come to trust God?
11.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Were people in the Old Testament born again just like we are today? Does behavior matter? After salvation, do we still sin? How does grace impact discipleship?
10.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I experience blasphemous thoughts and wonder if I’m ruining my salvation. I can sing the Bible! Is it okay for children to dress up and go out for candy today? Why does the Lord’s Prayer say, “Lead us not into temptation”? I thought God didn’t tempt us! Why do we put the Old Testament with […]
09.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Why does Hebrews 11:13 say they didn’t receive what was promised? Are we really supposed to hate our relatives? What is Jesus saying in Luke 14:26? And how does it apply to Christians today?
08.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Did Paul instruct Gentiles to obey the Law? Could Jesus have actually sinned? Does James 5 tell us that a believer can lose salvation and gain it back again? Why did Paul and the apostles sometimes seem to make compromises regarding Old Testament regulations?
07.31.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Will you still remember everything in Heaven? If so, how will there be no sorrow there? Are we humans a little lower than God? Is it okay for the New Testament to tweak Old Testament quotes? My pastor said he had the authority to hand me over to Satan. This has concerned me for months! […]
07.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How do we read the Old Testament in light of the New? If upon death, we’re immediately present with the Lord, then how is it that “the dead in Christ will rise first”? Are those who kill, quarrel, and fight believers or unbelieving Jews in James 4?
07.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does it mean to “abide” in Christ? Is there a “soul sleep”? What are your thoughts on the movie “Sound of Freedom”? Did Jesus limit His knowledge while He lived on Earth? If all Scripture is inspired and useful, then how should we view the Old Testament?