Prayer language? Baptism by fire?

I need some encouragement because of my recent failures. Can you help me? How can I get my prayer language? How can I get a second baptism by fire? I seem to get stuck in self-analysis and it distracts me from Jesus. Can you speak to that?

“Lordship salvation” fosters fear!

What is Lordship salvation? Why do so many people lack assurance with God? Did the Queen of Sheba and Solomon have a baby together? My Bible study teacher said it’s wrong to pray for both the people of Israel and the Palestinians (casualties, children, famine, etc.). Is that really true?

Does God not hear our prayers when we sin?

What is adultery in God’s view? What about polygamy in the Old Testament? When we die, are we immediately with Jesus? Does Hebrews 10 mean anyone who sins “willfully” goes to hell? If we regard iniquity in our hearts, does God not hear us? It feels like my prayers are never answered. It causes me […]

“How do I walk by the Spirit? How do I offer my body to God?”

What does it mean to walk by the Spirit? Which person of the Trinity should I pray to? Do we need to ask for the Holy Spirit to be saved? What happens when we die? Do we see Jesus right away or are we asleep? Can women speak in church or must they always remain […]

“Witnessing” by the Spirit

Do you have information on Jesus‘s life between age 12 and 30? What does “help meet” mean in Genesis 2:18? How can I know God is actually listening to my prayers? What does the Bible say about gold-diggers? I’m remarried now, and my husband’s children will not accept me. What can I do? I’ve struggled […]

“Are the desires of my heart good?”

How do we deal with disappointment with God? How can we say God is good when so many bad things happen? Why did Jesus say the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath? Is it okay to express the desires of our heart to God and ask Him for them?

Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples?

Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples? Does this mean there are two portions of the Holy Spirit that we can expect today? Do we see conditional forgiveness in the Old Testament law? Why did Jesus teach it in the Lord’s Prayer? A popular Bible teacher says we’re robbing ourselves of a blessing if we […]

“I feel burned out, and I don’t want to pray!”

What does the Revelation 22 warning about adding or subtracting mean? Is the “sanctification” in Hebrews 10:14 progressive or finished? How does Hebrews 10:10 factor in? I feel burned out and I have lost some of my desire to pray for others. What should I do?

No Condemnation for Some Christians- Or All?

Should I pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? I’ve been praying for my friend and so far there’s no healing. What should I do? I’m worried there will be “woe upon me” if I don’t fulfill my calling as a preacher! Is the King James Version the one and only – […]

Still Under the “Moral Law”? No!

How do we communicate with those who mix Law and Grace? How do you work through fear and anxiety? How does the love of God speak to our problems? Should we pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? Are we with God immediately upon death?

Are your prayers being hindered?

Why does Revelation 18 say “the light of your lamp will not shine anymore”? Does God stop listening to our prayers when we sin? Why did God bring in the old covenant if He knew the ultimate answer would be the new covenant?

What does “living sacrifice” mean?

What does Romans 12 mean about proving the will of God? How do I explain the true meaning of water baptism to my brother who thinks it saves him? God knows what we need before we ask? What if someone’s behavior doesn’t show signs of new life? Could they still be saved?

Is “speaking mysteries” to God a good thing? No!

Are we guaranteed physical healing because of the cross? How can we share the gospel as an “elevator pitch”? 1 Corinthians 14 contains two challenging verses (v.2 and v.4). How do you explain those if there is no private prayer language? Should I expect to hear the gospel regularly in church? Why do you think […]

“I have a hard time praying”

What happens if we go on sinning? What is Paul really trying to say in Romans 10 about “ascending“ and “descending”? I have a hard time praying and can’t stay focused. I feel distant from God. Can you help me?

Does fasting “widen our pipeline” to God?

How can I share Christ with my Muslim friend? He questions whether Jesus really claimed to be God. Are the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit different? I’m looking for a Bible-believing church in my area. How can I find fellowship? Does fasting change our posture or widen our pipeline to God? Also, does […]

12.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is it okay to study philosophy? Do we each receive different amounts of rewards in Heaven? What Scriptures can I use to fight the enemy and have God intercede to get my husband back? Why did Jesus tell the thief on the cross that He would be in paradise (Heaven) but later told Mary (after […]

12.14.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Should we be sure to gather with other believers? What role does leadership play? Does living better produce answered prayer requests? Can I pray another person toward salvation? Wasn’t water baptism preached in the early church? How do we understand Acts 8 and 10? I heard a preacher say if I don’t forgive other people, […]