“What happens at communion?”

Why does Jesus call Himself the bread of life? Does this relate to communion? Why does 1 Corinthians 7 say the husband is sanctified through the wife? My dad is Muslim, and I’m worried about him. What should I do?

You’re never out of fellowship with God!

Is your next sin already forgiven? Is all of Israel going to be saved? Will I recognize my wife in Heaven? I’m afraid of backsliding. Any advice? Do Christians sometimes break fellowship with God? What does it mean that Jesus rose from the dead?

02.09.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Was Adam’s son Seth not born in God’s image or likeness? What effect did the fall of humanity have? My wife is addicted to drugs and in denial about the problem. What should I do? What does 2 Timothy 4 mean concerning those whose ears are tickled and pay attention to fables instead of sound […]

11.07.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we need to prove our love and dedication to Jesus? Why does Colossians 1:23 talk about the importance of continuing? Are we servants, or sons, or both? What if a husband and a wife disagree on where to go to church? How do you know when Jesus is living through you?

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