“Oops! I did it again!”

If we love Him, we will keep His commands? Is that a pressure-filled statement? I’m in a cycle of sinning and asking for forgiveness, only to do it all over again? What should I do? Does Hebrews 10 mean that any “willful” sin is not forgiven by God?

Don’t ask God for forgiveness? Thank Him!

Are all humans born in the perfect image of God today? Does Jesus know the time of His return? If we don’t have to ask for God’s forgiveness of each sin, then what about the Lord‘s Prayer?

“Exorcism isn’t enough!”

Why didn’t God give us the new covenant from the start? What is the unpardonable sin? What about Christians who just continue in sin? What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 11 about demon possession? How can we effectively witness to those who don’t believe in the Bible? Is it wrong for me to […]

04.19.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

What is your understanding of 2 Corinthians 5:10, will we be judged? When did Jesus die, and how long was he dead? What role does repentance, asking for forgiveness and confession play in the life of a believer?

03.16.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Why did you call your first book The Naked Gospel? Do we need to ask God for forgiveness? What is worship? What is a Christian to do if the presidents don’t put Jesus Christ into His proper place? Is there a penalty if people keep sinning? If we keep sinning will it effect our place in heaven? How do I forgive […]

09.16.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do we need to ask God for forgiveness? Is there a hell? Is God in hell? Are we supposed to obey the government? Is once saved always saved biblical? How do we know Christianity is the right religion? Was Jesus mother Mary born without sin?

06.03.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

In the book of James, the language is different than Paul’s, should James be in the bible, and is it opposed to Paul’s message? What are Christian works? Can I exhaust the grace of God? Do we have to ask God for forgiveness? Will there be greater punishment for those who know God who reject him? What are your thoughts […]

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