“Advice for worship leaders?”
Should we turn away children and unbelievers from participating in the Lord’s Supper? What is your best advice for worship leaders? My husband died recently; and a friend told me God takes us early when we make bad decisions. Is this true?
“Mediums? Channeling? Demons?”
My mother passed away a while ago, and her husband wants to put her on a Mormon list to be married eternally. Is that okay? What should we think about channeling and mediums? What about Halloween? And demon possession? Is the church replacing Israel? Is there a second blessing or second portion of the Spirit […]
“Will some Christians be tricked?”
Should I still honor my mother and father if the relationship with them is toxic? Will some of the elect (the church) be deceived in the end times or not? Is there an age of accountability that the Bible explicitly supports? How should we approach the love and mercy of God when it comes to […]
Enter God’s kingdom like children?
Should we debate unbelievers to win them over? Why does Jesus say we enter the kingdom like little children? What is Galatianism? Is it still happening today? Where is God in the midst of my divorce and custody battle?
“Witnessing” by the Spirit
Do you have information on Jesus‘s life between age 12 and 30? What does “help meet” mean in Genesis 2:18? How can I know God is actually listening to my prayers? What does the Bible say about gold-diggers? I’m remarried now, and my husband’s children will not accept me. What can I do? I’ve struggled […]
Why did Jesus have to die?
Should we only listen to Christian music? Who did Adam and Eve’s children marry? Do we know exactly when Jesus was crucified? Why did He have to die? Is the Old Testament still important today? Is the gift of tongues for every believer?
Does the Melchizedek story mean we should tithe?
Does “eternal salvation” in Hebrews 5:9 offer evidence of the security of the believer? Can you explain the mention of Melchizedek in Hebrews? In Nehemiah 8, why did the people sink into despair upon hearing the Law? How can we deal with rejection from our good friends who no longer speak to us because of […]
“You leave out a few things!”
Is it sinful to try to get rich? Why did Paul quote the Law in Ephesians 6 if we are not under the Law? You seem to leave out a few important things about the Law!
09.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How can I serve and bear fruit with a healthy motivation? Can we forgive others but still have healthy boundaries with them? I have trouble forgiving myself. What should I do? Did God create evil? How can I share the Gospel with my young grandchildren?
09.20.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Will all of Israel be saved? Can unbelievers or children participate in the Lord’s Supper? Why does 1 John say Jesus is our Advocate? Is He up in Heaven constantly arguing on our behalf with an angry Father?
09.14.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How can I stop worrying about my children’s salvation? I’m being stalked by an ex-boyfriend, and the police won’t help. What should I do? Should we predict the timing of the end of the world?
09.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What are your thoughts on God’s discipline? Should you disown your child if you disagree with them? How can I know when to give more financial help to someone and when not to? Will Adam and Eve be in Heaven?
07.16.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How do you find a church focused on grace? What should the Christian life look like? Can Christians still struggle in a major way? Do children go to Heaven? What about people who lived before the Law? How does grace affect discipleship? What does “to whom much is given, much is required” mean?
05.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does one group of Christians judge another group? Does any part of the Sermon on the Mount encourage us today? What about the Beatitudes? I would like to get married and have children, but I’m suffering from anxiety in my decision-making process and wonder if it’s God, or if I can move forward in […]
11.15.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is the New Testament message really about Abraham or is it about Jesus? Why does Paul talk about baptism for the dead? Can someone fall away from Christ and lose their salvation? Why does Paul say that women will be “saved” through childbirth?
10.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can you talk about Jesus as the Lamb of God? Why does Jesus say “Depart from Me” to some? How do I raise my child with new covenant teaching? Is there a certain evidence of true salvation? How should we view the fallen world and the political world? Am I allowed to defend myself in […]
08.03.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Some people seem to have a problem with your teaching on the believer’s new heart. How do you address the pushback? How can I share the message of God‘s grace with a five-year-old child? What is the Parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19 really about? Can you speak to the union we have […]
07.14.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is the rapture of the church real? What would you say to a friend who claims to have had a vision from God? Do you have concerns about the TV program, “The Chosen”? How do you deal with an ex-husband who continues to do things that led to divorce, now in front of the children?
06.30.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Should we be compassionate with ourselves? James says we all stumble, but Romans says we’re freed from sin. So, which is it? How much struggle is too much to truly be saved? Why did Paul mention one of the Ten Commandments in Ephesians 6?
05.05.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why aren’t the children of believers already saved? What does the word “rod” mean? How should we discipline our children under grace? Am I truly saved? Does God require church membership?