What is the “wrath” of God?
What is the “wrath” of God? How will some experience it if Jesus died to free us from it? Does God speak audibly to us today? How do we “hear” from God? How should we look at giving under the New Covenant?
“I get perverted thoughts and doubt my salvation!”
Will Christians give an account to God? What is Hebrews 4:13 about? Did Paul disobey God in Acts 18 by going to Asia against His instruction? Is this why Paul was stricken with a difficult circumstance? Might God do the same to us if we disobey? Who is the false prophet in Revelation 2? Could […]
“How can I forgive an abusive pastor?”
Is it okay for the church today to use musical instruments for worship? Why did Peter put on his coat (or garment) before swimming? How can I forgive an abusive pastor from my past? How did John the Baptist not get killed as a baby by Herod’s edict? I heard that what God wrote on […]
“How can I be more patient?”
I need encouragement to read the Bible. Can you help me? I struggle with patience and wonder if you have any thoughts on it. In John 16, what kind of things did Jesus mean would be revealed later?
“I feel like a hypocrite when I read the Bible or pray!”*
Why is it so hard for me to believe my “sins of omission” are forgiven? I feel guilty (like a hypocrite) when I read the Bible or pray, because of my choices lately. What can I do? How do 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 fit together and show us what will happen at the […]
“I feel like a hypocrite when I read the Bible or pray!”
Why is it so hard for me to believe my “sins of omission” are forgiven? I feel guilty (like a hypocrite) when I read the Bible or pray, because of my choices lately. What can I do? How do 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 fit together and show us what will happen at the […]
“The other half of the gospel!”
What is the neglected message of the cross? Am I part of a Korean cult? What does it mean to vote biblically? Why does Paul target sexual immorality as “sinning against your own body”? What does “the meek will inherit the earth” mean?
Why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected?
Why was Cain’s sacrifice not accepted by God? How do you bear the fruit of the Spirit in your daily life? What did Jesus mean by “pick up your cross and follow Me,” especially since this was pre-cross?
“Strict religion made me sin more!”
My dad passed away last Fall and was not a believer. I get very depressed about where he might be. Can you help? Can a genuine believer fall into habitual sin? I grew up in a very legalistic environment, and I think that just made me want to sin more.
“Does God still discipline us?”
Does God chastise us? Discipline us? What does that look like? Was the thief on the cross the first Christian? Does Acts 16 mean that we can believe and our whole family is then saved? How did God divide Israel’s land? Why? What does it mean to trust in the Lord and not your own […]
“My life is filled with failure”
What is the meaning of the cross? It’s hard for me to believe that Jesus loves me, because my life is filled with failure. Can you encourage me?
“Did I take the mark of the beast?”
Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?
12.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is it okay to study philosophy? Do we each receive different amounts of rewards in Heaven? What Scriptures can I use to fight the enemy and have God intercede to get my husband back? Why did Jesus tell the thief on the cross that He would be in paradise (Heaven) but later told Mary (after […]
12.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Does “falling away” ever mean loss of salvation? Where did Jesus go between His death and resurrection? Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? Why did you post on social media that “Christians can be themselves and express Jesus at the same time”?
11.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does God give us choices? Will only some Christians be raptured at Jesus’s return? Is Jesus only the Son of God, or is He actually God also? Why is there an altar mentioned in the Book of Revelation? What about those who think there’ll be future animal sacrifices in a new Temple?
11.02.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can you lose your salvation? Were Jesus and the thief on the cross literally in Paradise on the same day? Why don’t you teach that baptism is necessary for salvation? Am I responsible for not sharing Jesus with everyone I meet? Is their blood on my hands?
09.22.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Why does Hebrews 11:13 say they didn’t receive what was promised? Are we really supposed to hate our relatives? What is Jesus saying in Luke 14:26? And how does it apply to Christians today?
04.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does the one thief on the cross changing his mind demonstrate? Does Acts 13:48 mean certain people are “appointed to life” (chosen) and others are not? What will we be doing in Heaven? I am divorced but want to return to my husband. Should I get remarried?
03.23.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Luke 9 say to take up our cross daily if we’ve already died with Christ? I backslid, and now I no longer feel God’s presence. I wonder if I’ve lost my salvation. Can you help me?
12.30.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does it mean to be born or made in God’s image? To what degree was that image lost at the Fall? Why does Romans 14:12 say we will “give an account” if our sins are taken away forever? When did the New Testament era really begin? Another Bible teacher claims we must be baptized […]