Romans 8:13 – “you must die”?
What is the difference between repentance and asking for forgiveness? Do we need to do these daily? Why did Jesus say to “take up your cross”? What does Romans 8:13 mean when it says “if you are living according to the flesh, you must die”?
“Who falls away from the faith?”
Who falls away in 1 Timothy 4:1? What is required to be saved? Is the “hypergrace” accusation a valid critique? Could you really commit sin every day and still be saved?
03.23.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Luke 9 say to take up our cross daily if we’ve already died with Christ? I backslid, and now I no longer feel God’s presence. I wonder if I’ve lost my salvation. Can you help me?