07.07.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

It’s so important to distinguish message from messenger! What about those who never hear the gospel? How are we to understand the issues related to end times? Does Revelation 22 mean there will be no sun or light in heaven, other than God? What is the heart of God toward us? What does He want […]

“Will buses and airplanes crash?”

What is your take on Christ’s return? Will there be a secret rapture? And will some of us be left behind? Tribulation? Final judgment? End times? How do I totally surrender my life to the Lord?

Is your physical body your enemy?

Are there two different meanings of “flesh” in Paul’s letters? Are our physical bodies evil? What does it mean to accept Jesus as “your personal Lord and Savior”? There are many different views of the end times. Would you consider those views to be heresy or “false teaching”?

11.21.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is our nation going to Hell because the Ten Commandments are no longer in schools? If we’re totally forgiven of all our sins, then are we held accountable for our sins as so many claim? Are we already living in the end times?

04.24.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

In the book of Job, God tested Job, if God has foreknowledge, why does God test people? If you’re in Christ when you die, where do you go when you die? What does the Bible mean when it says we have fallen asleep? How can I talk about Jesus to my atheist son? What does […]

01.24.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

Were we born through incest from Adam and Eve? If we are dead, will we be able to come down and witness to the lost from the New Jerusalem during the end times? What are your thoughts on jewels and mansions in heaven? What is your interpretation of Acts 17:30? Is it a sin to […]

01.17.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

If someone rejects the gospel, and then a catastrophe happens, is that connected? How do you see the gospel of the kingdom, and the gospel of grace, are these two separate gospels? In, Revelation 14:14-20, will we be taken away before the tribulation? Do we need to tithe? In the Old Testament, God called Israel […]

01.11.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does the green color of the horse in Revelation represent Islam? What is the biblical view on burial and cremation? How do I believe? Do I have to pay for my sin when I die? Name it and claim it? What is the works James is referring to? Is God a divine slot machine?

07.27.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do Christians need to surrender to God? What’s a good study guide for Revelation? In Matthew where Jesus talks about the end times, who is he talking to? Are there different roles that we as the church play? What’s the difference between surrendering and being broken?

07.13.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Why aren’t people hearing the grace message? What are your thoughts on faith and works in James 2? What is your opinion on seeing visions or heaven when they die? When does the New Covenant start? Will Israel’s land play a role in the end times?

01.05.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

If you don’t have a passion, are you a Christian? Does God provide us for our need not our wants? When do we know to offer grace to someone who is living in sin and doesn’t want to change? Do we know when Christ will return? When can we divorce someone?

06.09.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is confession necessary and good? Is our forgiveness progressive? Who was Baal? Will the people who miss the rapture have a chance for salvation? How does the Lords prayer tie into the idea that we don’t need to ask God for forgiveness? What is the point of the parable of virgins? After the rapture, will the people who didn’t get raptured, […]

04.21.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

What do the gifts of the spirit mean? What are your thoughts on guaranteed healing? What does Jesus mean when He says if I don’t wash your feet you have no part with me? What are your thoughts on women speaking in the church? What are your thoughts on Christ return? Does taking the Lords supper lead to healing?

03.24.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is it possible to love like 1 Corinthians 13? Can you offer advice on parenting? What is our anchor? I want to have a kid and my wife doesn’t, what do I do? What are your thoughts on the rapture and thousand years’ tribulation?

01.06.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

If you don’t have a passion, are you a Christian? Does God provide us for our need not our wants? When do we know to offer grace to someone who is living in sin and doesn’t want to change? Do we know when Christ will return? When can we divorce someone?

12.30.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

What role does confession play in our life? If baptism isn’t required for salvation, then why did Jesus get baptized? Do we have to get reconciled with God when we sin? Is 1 John 1:9 written to Christians only? Are we required to tithe 10%? What are we supposed to believe about the rapture?