The Bible’s not really about good and evil!

Is the Bible really a book about good and evil? Or does it contain another message? I love my son, but he’s been abusive in some ways, so I wonder about healthy boundaries. Do you have any New Testament commentary content available now? If so, how can we access it? We just started a coffee […]

12.04.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you know if you’re talking to Jesus or some other spirit? If someone is struggling with a habitual sin, can they still reach their destiny with God? How is the love of money the root of all evil, if there was no money in the Garden of Eden?

10.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does God chase us down? Does He “fall fresh” on us? Does He come down into the church building? If God is good, why did He make the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Are we going to judge angels? Are they demons? How do you know whether to stay at your church […]

09.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How can I serve and bear fruit with a healthy motivation? Can we forgive others but still have healthy boundaries with them? I have trouble forgiving myself. What should I do? Did God create evil? How can I share the Gospel with my young grandchildren?

01.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you balance the eternal security of Romans 8:1 with Galatians 6:8? Did God create evil? Are those who believe they can lose their salvation not even saved? I deal with scrupulous thinking and wonder if I’m saved. Can you help?

10.09.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do I overcome fornication with my ex-husband? I’m frustrated that freedom in Christ is not taught everywhere! How is the Gospel not fear-based or performance-driven? Do you think Peter killed Ananias and Sapphira? How do I find a body of believers that will accept me as a forgiven person? I struggle every day with […]

07.21.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

How do we know we are abiding, and resting in Christ? Please explain the sovereignty of God and why He allows evil? I am angry and frustrated, how do I deal with this? Did Moses repent after killing that person? Can I get a divorce?

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