Can God minister without Bible reading?

How do you explain Matthew 5:16 in light of your message “Hide Giving, Hide Praying, Hide Fasting”? Can God minister to you even when you’re not reading the Bible? What is “the great falling away”? What should a Christian parent teach their child about transgenderism? How can we flourish in our unique identity in Christ […]

01.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can you help me understand why Jesus would have something against a church in Revelation if He keeps no records of our wrongs? If a believer starts to do every evil thing, will they lose their salvation or their reward? How do I enter God’s rest and live by grace?

08.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we face judgment immediately after dying? What happens at the final judgment? I thought I was already saved, but then I had an experience that made me believe I got saved again. And then all those feelings were lost. Now I’m just confused. Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Can you […]

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