What is “the obedience of faith”?

How do faith and obedience relate to each other? What should we conclude from Paul’s struggle in Romans 7? Will God protect us from physical harm? Is it guaranteed?

“Should Christianity be restful?”

Should Christianity be the most relaxing belief system on earth? Are we really saved forever, no matter what? Do we need to honor the Sabbath day? Might the Centurion who was present at Jesus’ death be saved?

“What’s happening in Heaven right now?”

What are people doing in Heaven right now? My son died of a drug overdose, and I wonder where he is now. Can I know? My friend is trying to pressure me into sex. Is he husband material? What does “many are called, but few are chosen” really mean?

Is the “new heart” teaching biblical?

Which verses really say we have a new heart? Would you be willing to ask your audience to pray for Ukraine? How can I believe in justification by faith when the odds are against me?

When tradition isn’t truth…

Is our response to the Gospel a “religious work” or an act of faith? What can I do about men who are looking at me? My sons have recently joined the Orthodox church. What are your thoughts? Why do so many end up dating unbelievers and sleeping around? Do we believers wrestle with God, or […]

Opposites attract in dating?

What do you think about “opposites attract” in dating? What does “faith without works is dead” really mean? Why are you saying that Old Testament giving was actually around 23% per year? My friend uses Acts 2:38 to say we have to be baptized in water to be saved. How can I talk to him […]

“Be perfect like God”?

What was Jesus doing in the Sermon on the Mount? I’m experiencing spiritual manipulation at my church. What should I do? I’ve heard that, over time, I will receive more faith. Is this true?

“I feel guilty all the time!”

Is it okay to date someone of a different religion? I struggle with a general sense of guilt all the time. How can I deal with it? How do we worship God? What about when we are hurting?

How do we “worship in spirit”?

What sends a person to Hell? is it necessary to be ordained to minister to others? Why did Jesus say we would worship Him in spirit and in truth? How can we talk about the message of God’s grace in the fewest words possible?

“The book of James scares me!”

I’m struggling with doubt and fear. I have questions about James 2 and faith and works. When Jesus returns, is it to take us to Heaven or establish a new Earth? How do I stop being judgmental of others? Should I be talking to my husband about past sexual experiences with other men?

09.11.2024 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Update on BibleQuestions.com! Are some people given I think the Holy Spirit first in order to then believe? Do we give glory to God? Or does He give glory to us? Is the Sabbath part of the “moral law”? Should we keep it?

Is Eastern Orthodox the one true church?

How can we discern who to marry given the warning about being unequally yoked? Why should I remain Protestant and not become Eastern Orthodox? What is the value and purpose of crowns in Heaven? Can we “speak things into existence”? Wouldn’t that be taking power away from God?

Is faith ever not enough for salvation?

Is there ever a scenario where faith is not enough for God’s grace to save? What does it mean in Romans 10 when it says, “who will ascend into Heaven” or “who will descend”? How does the Holy Spirit work in our lives given we are all so different? Are unbelievers really unable to choose […]

What does it mean to have died with Jesus?

What does it mean to have died with Jesus in Romans 6? Why is the church still struggling with racism and prejudice today? How should I pray for my cousin who has an addiction? Isn’t faith itself an action or a work that we do? If so, then doesn’t God need to “supply the faith” […]

“The one who does the will of My Father”?

Why are so many Christians confused about faith and works? What about James 2? What does it mean to “do the will of the Father”? Why does Jesus turn some people away in Matthew 7, saying He never knew them?

“Justified by works”? What!? (James 2:21,24,25)

Why does John 14 say we will do greater things than Jesus? What exactly do you believe about James 2? My son died by suicide, and I wonder where he is now. Is he still waiting to be with Jesus? Does Mark 16 mean that water baptism is required for salvation?

Closer to God? No!

Are we progressively getting closer to God? Do we have to be baptized to go to Heaven? Did Jesus appear in the Old Testament? From a grace perspective, what is the value of a quiet time?

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