“I feel lost now! How can there be a loving God?”

What does it mean to “receive the grace of God in vain”? Why does Paul tell the Corinthians not to teach unclean things? I was a believer, but I got involved in materialism. Now, I feel lost. Why would God make a Devil who would tempt me? How can there be a loving God if […]

Give an account? Plead the blood? Not exactly.

Do Christians have to give an account for their sins? Does 2 Corinthians 5 describe a second and separate judgment for believers? Do we need to plead the blood of Jesus over people or situations? Is that idea in the New Testament? What is the discipline of the Lord? How is it different from the […]

03.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does God put believers to the test? How should we interpret the casting out of demons from Christians? Why did God create Adam and Eve with choice knowing they would sin? How were people in the Old Testament forgiven of their sins? Do we see tough love in the Bible?

11.08.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What do you think about people who say they’ve gone to Heaven? I haven’t been able to sleep well for ten years, and I think it might be because of pornography. Can you help me? Jesus died for the world, but we aren’t supposed to be part of the world. Can you explain this better? […]

10.09.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do I overcome fornication with my ex-husband? I’m frustrated that freedom in Christ is not taught everywhere! How is the Gospel not fear-based or performance-driven? Do you think Peter killed Ananias and Sapphira? How do I find a body of believers that will accept me as a forgiven person? I struggle every day with […]

01.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Who are the soils in the parable of the sower? Why does 2 Timothy 2 talk about believers as “vessels of dishonor”? How can I enjoy a community of grace? Why did God forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of life after they fell? With our fallen world getting worse, what perspective […]

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