“Healing? Tongues? Miracles? Is that the focus?”
My wife and I see the Christian life very differently. She is focused a lot on healing and tongues. What can I do? Is the new heart just a metaphor? Or did we literally and actually get a new heart when we were born again?
“Is it okay to listen to false teachers?”
Is the return of Christ secretive or public? Does the final judgment come later? I can barely pay my rent, yet I feel pressure to tithe. Should I? Is it okay to listen carefully to false teachers to glean bits of truth? Why do I have dreams that I’m losing my salvation?
How are cremated bodies made new?
What happens to those who were cremated at the return of Christ? Did all of humanity die with Christ? If Adam was created perfect, why was he tempted to become like God? How can I handle the struggles of daily life in a deteriorating living situation?
Can we disappoint God?
Can we disappoint God? How should I respond to a pastor who says not all Christians will get into Heaven? I’m concerned about my brother’s salvation after his divorce and joining the Masons—what should I do?
Does the Spirit help us keep the Law? No!
Does the Holy Spirit help us keep the Law? What does it mean to “gain the whole world and forfeit your soul”? What is the false teaching in 1 Timothy 4:1 really about? I love the freedom of God’s grace! *Previously aired
Does the Spirit help us keep the Law? No!
Does the Holy Spirit help us keep the Law? What does it mean to “gain the whole world and forfeit your soul”? What is the false teaching in 1 Timothy 4:1 really about? I love the freedom of God’s grace!
12.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
“Many are called, but few are chosen”? What does this mean? “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated”? What does that mean? What is the message of “Inclusion”?