Here’s the cure for perfectionism! – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is the remedy for perfectionism and criticism of myself and others? Why does Matthew say those who endure will be saved? Why did Jesus say we would do greater works than Him? Can we just ask for anything in Jesus’s name and expect it? Can demons physically harm you?
“Justified by works”? What!? (James 2:21,24,25)
Why does John 14 say we will do greater things than Jesus? What exactly do you believe about James 2? My son died by suicide, and I wonder where he is now. Is he still waiting to be with Jesus? Does Mark 16 mean that water baptism is required for salvation?
10.02.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What are the “greater works” that Jesus said we would do? Do the number of prayers or people praying convince God? What about people who never hear the Gospel? Sometimes, I feel miserable, even as a Christian. How can I feel better?