“I’m struggling with lust and sexual sin…”
Can you be in Christ but still “think” in Adam? (Well, not exactly, but here’s why we’re still learning and growing.) I know I was saved early on in my life, but I feel that my heart has been hardened, and I keep believing lies. I’m miserable. Can you help me? Is self-defense with a […]
08.21.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What is Arminianism? What does it look like to submit to God’s will? I feel like I have lost my testimony because of my past. Do you have any thoughts? What are the two greatest commands in the Law? What are the commands on our new hearts? How do I fight against the fiery darts […]
08.04.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is the sin “crouching at the door” in Genesis 4 the same sin that Paul speaks of in Romans 7? Do we believers ever stop sinning before Heaven? Is it required that everyone get married? Is it okay to be single? Do you think the story about Jonah being swallowed by the whale actually happened? […]