“Oops! I did it again!”

If we love Him, we will keep His commands? Is that a pressure-filled statement? I’m in a cycle of sinning and asking for forgiveness, only to do it all over again? What should I do? Does Hebrews 10 mean that any “willful” sin is not forgiven by God?

Does God not hear our prayers when we sin?

What is adultery in God’s view? What about polygamy in the Old Testament? When we die, are we immediately with Jesus? Does Hebrews 10 mean anyone who sins “willfully” goes to hell? If we regard iniquity in our hearts, does God not hear us? It feels like my prayers are never answered. It causes me […]

“I feel burned out, and I don’t want to pray!”

What does the Revelation 22 warning about adding or subtracting mean? Is the “sanctification” in Hebrews 10:14 progressive or finished? How does Hebrews 10:10 factor in? I feel burned out and I have lost some of my desire to pray for others. What should I do?

Is “speaking mysteries” to God a good thing? No!

Are we guaranteed physical healing because of the cross? How can we share the gospel as an “elevator pitch”? 1 Corinthians 14 contains two challenging verses (v.2 and v.4). How do you explain those if there is no private prayer language? Should I expect to hear the gospel regularly in church? Why do you think […]

10.17.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Wow! The new covenant has revolutionized my entire life! Can you help me understand Hebrews 10:26-29 better? Some people say it’s about a Christian, but what’s really going on in Hebrews 10? I’m a new missionary, and I’ve started to evangelize, and now people are telling me not to judge them. What should I do?

08.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we need to repent of each sin in order to be restored as children of God? Does Hebrews 10 teach us that God took away our feelings of shame? Jesus told the disciples to teach everything He commanded, so why don’t we see their epistles filled with instruction from the Sermon on the Mount? […]

08.04.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does the church fear the messiness of grace? What purpose do the Ten Commandments have? Is Hebrews 10 written only to the believer? How does “backsliding” fit in with Christianity if you can’t lose your salvation?

04.17.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Hebrews 10 say “the Lord will judge His people”? Do Hebrews 8 and 10 say God puts the Law on believers’ hearts? I’ve been a caregiver for 14 years, but now my grandmother has passed away, and I feel like I’ve lost my purpose. Can you help me?

01.08.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can you help me understand Hebrews 10:29? Can women speak in church? Can women be leaders in church? What year did the Roman Catholic Church begin? What are your thoughts on Catholicism? My friend prays to Mary and defends this. What Scriptures will help them understand we pray to God, not any human? What do […]

08.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we face judgment immediately after dying? What happens at the final judgment? I thought I was already saved, but then I had an experience that made me believe I got saved again. And then all those feelings were lost. Now I’m just confused. Have I committed the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Can you […]

08.07.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does 1 Timothy 6 mention a treasure that is stored up for the future? Is it okay to be in a home church? Why can’t all religions come together and help each other? I was experiencing an abundant life but then got discouraged. I’m wondering what to do now? I have been divorced several […]

07.21.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

If my father was saved at an early age yet walked away from his church, is he still saved? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true? What about the warnings in Hebrews 6 and 10? What about being blotted out of the Book of Life? What can I say to a teenage girl who wants […]

06.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does God mention that some were martyred and “did not love their lives” in Revelation 12? What are the differences between the old covenant and the new covenant? What does Hebrews 10 mean by “no longer have consciousness of sins”? Can we actually live that way, without guilt?

09.22.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

What do all those “if you continue,” verses mean? What in the world is Hebrews 6 and 10 about? Can we lose our salvation? What does the second death refer too? What are your thoughts on quiet times? Were people capable of sinning before the Law?  

11.25.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

If we Christians are free from the Law, then what is the purpose of it? When a person dies, do they go straight to heaven? What do you think about speaking in tongues? Is using the Law as a mirror a good way to use the Law? Can a drunkard enter heaven? What does Hebrews 6 and 10 talk about?

10.28.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

What is your interpretation of Hebrews 6 and 10 in regards to once saved always saved? What does it mean to work out your salvation? Is there a difference between being a disciple and being a Christian? How do I deal with not being healed? Is healing a promise under the New Covenant?

06.24.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do we still need to be guided by the 10 commandments? Is Gods promise to Abraham given to us? Why God allows Satan to reign on this earth? Are we supposed to pray the Lord’s prayer? What does it mean in James when he says “if he commits sin, he will be forgiven?” Can our name be blotted out of […]

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