10.10.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does the Bible say about cremation? How would it work with our resurrected bodies? Why did Jesus say, “I did not come to abolish the Law”? Our church believes we have to give to receive from God. Is that biblical? Why was the high priest the only one allowed to enter the Holy of […]
04.19.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why is Jesus interceding for us? Was Jesus fully God when He lived on Earth? What about the cavemen? How do they fit in with the Creation account?
09.30.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!
Why do I backslide? What does it mean that Jesus Christ is our high priest? Can women teach men? What does the bible say about politics and government? What does it mean to be filled with the spirit?