“False teachers did miracles in His name?”
Are we really sinners and saints at the same time? How should we view ourselves? My daughter is extremely disrespectful to me. What should I do? Did Jesus know that Judas would betray Him? How could the people in Matthew 7 do miracles if they are false teachers? What is repentance? Is it different from […]
“Does what I do have meaning?”
Sometimes I wonder if what I’m doing has purpose or meaning. Does it? Why did Jesus tell some they wouldn’t die before they saw the Kingdom coming? Wouldn’t they need to be alive until His return? Are altar calls biblical? Did Paul speak in angelic languages?
“My narcissistic dad raised me in immorality!”
How do I forgive my narcissistic dad for the childhood I missed? How do I avoid falling into the same traps today? How do we approach believers who are engaged in sexual immorality? What if they are justifying it? Is it good to debate people of other faiths when they knock on our door? How […]
“I feel like a boy in a man’s body!”
I was sexually abused as a kid. I still feel like a little boy in a man’s body. How do I grow up? Is the radical imagery in Revelation 9 to be taken literally? I’ve had cancer twice. I’m looking at more treatment. I don’t know what to do with this decision.
Why don’t people “get” grace?
I’ve learned to say what God says about me! Will the Jews still perish if they don’t believe? Why are so many preaching legalism? Why can’t they just “get” the message of grace? How should we act and respond to people in times of terrorism?
You’re safe. The enemy is all bark and no bite!
What “newness” will you celebrate in the New Year? Is God truly sovereign? Does this mean we cannot do anything to prolong our lives? Can spiritual leaders be abusive? If so, how exactly? Can the enemy interfere with our prayers? Can he read our minds?
“Why am I not hearing this everywhere?”
I’m so excited about God‘s grace! Why aren’t we hearing this message in every church across the world?! Can you talk about legalistic religion (in Colossians), and the pure kind that James referred to? How can we best describe Christianity to others?
“Try to be more like Christ”?
Should we strive to be like Jesus? How do identity and behavior play out together? Does God harden people’s hearts today? What does it mean to enter God’s “Sabbath rest”?
Wanna be forgiven yet miserable?
How does resisting temptation really work? What does it mean to renew the mind? What happened between Lazarus and the rich man? What does it mean? How do we reconcile total forgiveness with the need for saying “no” to sin?
Keep the Christian life simple!
Which commandments do we need to follow in the Bible? Can you explain Ephesians 5 concerning coarse jesting and immorality? What is the “simplicity of Christ” that Paul talks about? How can we avoid straying from it?
“Are we two parts (soul, body) or three?”
How should we approach unbelievers in our circle? Do we have two parts or three parts? Does our spirit sin? Does Hebrews 9 say that God plans our time of death? What happens to those who reject the gospel? What are some key verses that remind us of our identity in Christ?
You don’t have to be militant. Just be available to God’s Spirit.
How can I work through the sexual abuse that I experienced and grow in Christ? Your books are a great way to dive deeper in the truth of the Gospel! How can I share the gospel with Jehovah’s Witnesses? Does Acts 14:22 mean that we have to endure many tribulations to be saved?
Did Jesus do it perfectly or not?
How can I share the new covenant message of God’s grace with Catholics? With Protestants? With anyone? *Previously aired
Did Jesus do it perfectly or not?
How can I share the new covenant message of God’s grace with Catholics? With Protestants? With anyone?
Special Teaching Edition: Your New Self!
Special Teaching Edition: What is humanity’s core problem? How does God solve it for us? What exactly happens at salvation? What are the practical implications when we’re tempted? How does the average Gospel presentation fall short? What’s the solution?
11.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
When I questioned some of the practices of a deliverance ministry, they said I was committing an unpardonable sin. Could this be true? Is Jesus the Son of God, or God Himself, or both? What does 2 Corinthians 7 mean by “defilement of flesh and spirit”? What are the roots of Calvinism and its view […]
11.07.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why did Jesus answer Pilate’s questions but not Herod’s? If we were spiritually dead, then what part of us died at salvation? If it died, then how are we alive now? Do we have a human spirit that is distinct from God’s Spirit? My pastor said tongues is not for today because of 1 Corinthians […]
11.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does Romans say “all of Israel will be saved”? How can we properly understand the “grafting in“ and “cutting off” in Romans 11? What is the “reward“ and “loss” in 1 Corinthians 3? I struggle with depression, and I have a hard time finding joy in my life. Can you help?
10.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Is there any place for teaching self-improvement? What about in a secular setting? Could there possibly be an end to the punishment of unbelievers at some point? I struggle with obsessive thoughts, and I sometimes wonder if I should only be sharing the Gospel all the time. What are your thoughts?
07.05.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Whom is the book of James written to? How does this impact our understanding of chapter 2? What is the “royal law”? Why does God say to come out and be separate and He will receive us? Is this a performance-based acceptance?