“Lawlessness” is bad, right? But we’re not under the Law!

Why is my church teaching that it’s wrong to play musical instruments during the service? Where do they see that in the Bible? Why does Jesus reject people in Matthew 7 for their “lawlessness” if we are not under the Law? Is there a gift of wisdom and knowledge? If so, what does that look […]

“How do you know you’re right about God’s grace?”

How do you know that a grace-centered perspective is the most accurate interpretation of the Gospel? Why does Jesus tell some people “depart from Me”? How does God view your spirit, your soul, and your body? Is your body evil? Or is it holy?

11.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

My mother-in-law claims to interpret dreams, and it feels manipulative. What should I do? I’m depressed and worry about losing my salvation. Can you help? My husband had an emotional affair about six months ago. I’m working on forgiving him, but I’m also just not sure what to do. Thoughts?