“I went to Heaven and came back!”

Is the believer’s heart really new? What about the renewing of the mind? Why did Jesus highlight loving God with all your heart? What is your take on relics and icons that some people have? I was clinically dead and went to Heaven. I’m having trouble interpreting what Jesus said to me. Can you help?

“Put on the armor? How?”

What does it mean to put on the full armor of God? My mind is a battlefield all the time, and I have intrusive thoughts. What can I do? My son is an alcoholic with three children, and I’m very concerned. I’ve tried to help a number of times, and nothing seems to change. Can […]

“The firstborn of all creation”?

Why does Paul talk about the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds? Is the Earth flat? Why is Jesus called the “firstborn of all creation”? Does God withhold blessing if we don’t tithe?

Special Teaching Edition: Your New Self!

Special Teaching Edition: What is humanity’s core problem? How does God solve it for us? What exactly happens at salvation? What are the practical implications when we’re tempted? How does the average Gospel presentation fall short? What’s the solution?

12.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why is Jesus called “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah? Did Peter, James and John have the same revelation as Paul? If Jesus really is God, then how did He not know the time of His return? Does God change His mind? What does “do not be conformed to the world” really mean in Romans 12?

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