“I went to Heaven and came back!”
Is the believer’s heart really new? What about the renewing of the mind? Why did Jesus highlight loving God with all your heart? What is your take on relics and icons that some people have? I was clinically dead and went to Heaven. I’m having trouble interpreting what Jesus said to me. Can you help?
“Is God ashamed of me for not witnessing enough?”
What should we think about people who say they’ve been to Hell and back? Does Luke 9:26 mean God might be ashamed of me if I don’t witness enough? I was in an abusive marriage and just got out. Now, I wonder if I’m free to remarry someday?
“Give thanks in ALL things?”
How can I genuinely give thanks in ALL things? How should we view near-death experiences? Does God meet us in the air before the Tribulation?