Deny yourself? Not if you’re the new self!
Does our old self die when we believe? Does the Holy Spirit live in me or does Christ live in me? Why does Paul give instruction about women’s clothing but not men’s? What do you mean by “you can be yourself and express Jesus at the exact same time”?
Is your “old self” still around at times?
Are we sinning if we don’t live up to Jesus‘s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount? What happened to our old self at salvation? Why do we still struggle with sin today? Where do sinful thoughts come from? I always thought the “turn the other cheek” concept was about maintaining open conversation with others. […]
“You’re ignoring the consequences of sin!”
My friend says Jesus is helping him keep the Sermon on the Mount. How would you respond to him? He also says we Christians have a deceitfully wicked heart and that we are still the old self. What are your thoughts? Andrew, I think you’re misunderstanding people and not accounting for their struggle and the […]
11.07.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why did Jesus answer Pilate’s questions but not Herod’s? If we were spiritually dead, then what part of us died at salvation? If it died, then how are we alive now? Do we have a human spirit that is distinct from God’s Spirit? My pastor said tongues is not for today because of 1 Corinthians […]
09.28.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do we really not have free will? How does the salvation decision factor in? I feel like my old self has come back to life. What’s really happening?
07.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What part of us was crucified with Christ? How is it that we are new but still learn and grow? Are we made up of two parts or three parts? When do we receive our new bodies?
10.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Did Jesus actually claim to be God or not? Does God still love people in Hell? If we could lose our salvation, then wouldn’t God have to resurrect our old self? If someone calls upon the Lord with their last breath, can they still be saved?
09.05.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do unbelievers have a spirit too? What part of us died with Christ? What does the Bible say about donating one’s body to science? Are Gentiles under the new covenant? My wife tells me she doesn’t believe in God anymore. I’ve been praying for her, but I don’t know what else to do?
03.30.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do we still need to take off the old self? What does Romans 5:13 mean about sin not being imputed? Are there levels of rewards for different Christians? Does Revelation 21:8 mean everyone who has told lies will be punished?
03.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Do believers have two selves? Should someone else tell me I’m not saved? What does the Parable of the Prodigal Son mean? Am I going to Heaven or Hell?
02.04.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do so many twist the motivation for giving to support the Gospel? What is the purpose of fasting? Should we pray differently based on the circumstance? Can a true believer go back to their old life?
01.22.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!
What are your thoughts on Ephesians 4:22, putting off the old self? In Romans 5, who does the “all” and the “many” refer to? Will we be accountable for every thought or does God remember our sins no more?