“I want to love and respect my wife?”

How can I overcome sexual temptation and have a healthy marriage? My wife and I have had many disputes, some ending in verbal and physical abuse. We are now living separately and need counseling. I’m struggling with how to respond when she seems embittered toward me. Can you help?

Give God the glory? (He has enough!)

I have an ongoing struggle with pornography. How do I overcome it? I have been giving God the glory when my business goes well. Is there a better perspective, especially for when things don’t go well?

“I struggle with sexual fantasy…”

What is the gift of tongues? I struggle with pornography and sexual fantasy. What can I do? I’ve been a worship leader for many years, but I’m frustrated with my church. How can we keep our worship organic and meaningful?

10.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do we have to “beg” to be saved? Does Isaiah 53 guarantee our physical healing by faith? What does the Parable of Ten Virgins mean? Can a Christian who looks at pornography get possessed by a demon? What about near-death experiences where people visit Heaven or Hell and then come back?

10.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Our spirit is seated with Christ, but then our spirit goes to God when we die? I have an ongoing struggle with lust, and I’m wondering where to find power to overcome it? How involved does God want to be in our lives? Do we need to hear His voice? If so, how? What’s the […]

06.25.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

If you wrong someone, do you need to confess it in order to remain saved? My friend prays salvation multiple times a week. How can I help her? What do you think about people who say something is “not God’s timing”? Was Jesus really forsaken by the Father? How do I know I’m walking the […]

11.08.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What do you think about people who say they’ve gone to Heaven? I haven’t been able to sleep well for ten years, and I think it might be because of pornography. Can you help me? Jesus died for the world, but we aren’t supposed to be part of the world. Can you explain this better? […]

09.06.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are Christians only forgiven if we forgive others first? How should we view the Sermon on the Mount now that we are under grace? I am addicted to pornography, and I feel like I’m a lazy person. How can I find victory?

08.14.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean that Christ lives in me and that I am complete in Him? What does it mean to be seated with Christ in Heaven? I’ve been struggling with pornography, and I feel horrible. Am I still saved? I have a friend who says he’s saved, but there are no real signs. What […]

05.26.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What are your thoughts on the “gap theory” of Creation? Does Colossians 3 mean we should live as if diseases don’t exist? Why did God rest on the seventh day? What should I do about my pornography addiction? Am I still saved?

05.23.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do I deal with ongoing anxiety even after believing the grace message? How can I keep the faith when my situation isn’t getting better? Does James 2 refer to justification in man’s eyes? Can we stop believing and reject Jesus after we’re saved? Will God forgive me for my sins of lust and watching […]

05.22.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do I deal with ongoing anxiety even after believing the grace message? How can I keep the faith when my situation isn’t getting better? Does James 2 refer to justification in man’s eyes? Can we stop believing and reject Jesus after we’re saved? Will God forgive me for my sins of lust and watching […]

10.25.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do believers have a sinful heart? Was Mary a virgin her entire life, and did Jesus have brothers and sisters? How is Jesus better than bulls and goats? Why do I struggle with lust and pornography? If there aren’t two natures, then what is Paul talking about in Romans 7? Is it possible for a Christian to have carnal thinking? Do […]