“Why did Abe sleep with another woman?”
How do I start a home group or home church? Were Abraham and Sarah just confused about how God would fulfill His promise concerning Isaac? Why did they opt for “Plan B” with Hagar? Isn’t Hebrews 6 teaching that a believer’s name can be blotted out of the Book of Life? What is it saying […]
Flirting with Moses is cheating on Jesus!
Is the millennial reign a literal thousand years or does it symbolize a lengthy period of time? Why are humans uniquely endowed with the ability to choose relationship with God? What does Romans 4 mean concerning those who are “of the Law” and nullifying the promise?
12.07.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Can your words or thoughts make things come to pass? What is repentance under the New Covenant? How did anyone in the Old Testament get saved since no one can keep the Law?
09.11.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How does God’s promise to Himself secure our salvation? Is the idea of in-and-out-of-fellowship double talk? It gets hard when you’re praying for stuff and nothing seems to be changing. What are your thoughts? Are we to keep the greatest commandment in the Law? What’s the difference between the soul and the spirit?