“Does God need us to give Him glory?”
How do we “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2)? How do we give God glory? Do we need to? Does Mark 10 support the prosperity gospel? I was excommunicated from my church for questioning their methodology. How can I find a healthy church?
“I feel overwhelmed with problems. Am I cursed?”
I have a toxic relationship with my ex-husband. What can I do to move on? My husband doesn’t want to be intimate as much as I do. What should I do? So many things are going wrong in my life, and I feel overwhelmed with problems. Am I cursed?
Can I really do ALL things through Christ?
What is Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Why did King Saul prophesy? Am I free to gather with other Christians in a home on any day rather than Sunday church? If a believer dies by suicide, are they still saved? Did angels have relations with humans to produce offspring? Is once-saved-always-saved true? What does “I […]
02.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
How do you identify if you have enough blessings in your life? Acts and Matthew seem to disagree about Judas, and the thirty pieces of silver, and who bought the land. Can you discuss this? If God is all knowing, then wouldn’t He know who is saved in the future and wouldn’t this be predestination? […]
01.06.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Where does it actually say the church is the bride of Christ? How can the church be the body and the bride? Does God give us the desires of our hearts? Is salvation the answer to financial poverty in the world?
02.08.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!
Based on Hebrews 10:25, am I out of God’s will if I don’t go to church? Does God have any expectations of us? What is God’s will? What are your thoughts on the prosperity gospel? Is health and wealth biblical? What is repentance? What does the Bible say about being unequally yoked? What is spiritual growth What does the Bible say about […]