“A better deal than Adam and Eve?”

Do we still need to deny ourselves? Who has a reprobate mind? Do we go to be with God immediately upon death or do we have to wait? Did Adam and Eve actually see God? What was it like for them?

“What is a reprobate mind?”

Why did God turn some over to a reprobate mind? Who are those people? What does that mean? How do we know when God is testing our faith? Can I donate my body to science, or does that offend God?

10.16.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I struggle with obsessive thoughts about hating God. Does this mean I am in danger? Your message about not having fear really freed me. Thank you! How does the renewing of the mind really happen? What is a reprobate mind? Can a Christian have one? Hebrews is an awesome summary of the new covenant. What […]

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