Is your physical body your enemy?

Are there two different meanings of “flesh” in Paul’s letters? Are our physical bodies evil? What does it mean to accept Jesus as “your personal Lord and Savior”? There are many different views of the end times. Would you consider those views to be heresy or “false teaching”?

Is there a secret rapture with some left behind?

Is the return of Christ a secret “rapture” or is it more public and obvious? Is there one return of Christ or two? What is the general order of events at the end of the age? Do we need to re-dedicate our lives to Christ? How should we view a refocus later in life? Do […]

12.25.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does John 1 have to say about the humanity and divinity of Jesus? As I get older, I wonder about my purpose and my impact. I have a list of things I want to accomplish, but I fall short. What should I do? Is 1 Thessalonians referring to the return of Christ at a […]

11.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does God give us choices? Will only some Christians be raptured at Jesus’s return? Is Jesus only the Son of God, or is He actually God also? Why is there an altar mentioned in the Book of Revelation? What about those who think there’ll be future animal sacrifices in a new Temple?