05.29.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

How do the seven churches in Revelation apply to us today? Who is Melchizedek? What does Paul mean by examine ourselves and how do we do that and what do we look for?

01.11.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!

Does the green color of the horse in Revelation represent Islam? What is the biblical view on burial and cremation? How do I believe? Do I have to pay for my sin when I die? Name it and claim it? What is the works James is referring to? Is God a divine slot machine?

07.27.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

Do Christians need to surrender to God? What’s a good study guide for Revelation? In Matthew where Jesus talks about the end times, who is he talking to? Are there different roles that we as the church play? What’s the difference between surrendering and being broken?

05.25.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!

If Jesus took away our sin, why is there a verse about grieving the Holy Spirit, and should that be our focus? What is your interpretation of the parable of the talents? Does some of Revelation talk about Catholics? What is the context of being lukewarm? How does “running the race,” relate to sanctification?