“How should we view the Book of Revelation?”

Please explain what you teach about altars and altar calls. A pastor I know claims that “once saved, always saved” is not in the Bible. Is that true? What is the “preterist” view of the Book of Revelation? Does it have any merit? How was Jesus heard by thousands of people at one time without […]

“Saved” Means SAVED!

I’m praying for a new revelation. How long does it take to know Jesus? What should I do about a church leadership that is pressuring me? Should I be concerned about generational curses or generational sins? Can women be leaders in church? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true?

“Have tongues and prophecy ceased?”

What did Jesus do in His early years? Does the word “commandments” in Revelation refer to the Old Testament law? Have certain spiritual gifts ceased now? Will they in the future? What about tongues and prophecy?

Only 144,000 Christians in Heaven?

Who are the 144,000 people mentioned in the book of Revelation? How do I address issues such as gender when my kids are hearing so many different things at school? Why does James reference the Old Testament law so much in chapter 2? I was a lukewarm Christian, but now I’m serious again. Should I […]

What is the sin that leads to death?

What is the sin leading to death? Could the “if” in 1 John 1:9 really be a “since”? Will I always believe? What if I lose my memory? Does Revelation really say not to worship Jesus but only God?

Is there a secret rapture with some left behind?

Is the return of Christ a secret “rapture” or is it more public and obvious? Is there one return of Christ or two? What is the general order of events at the end of the age? Do we need to re-dedicate our lives to Christ? How should we view a refocus later in life? Do […]

What is the “harvest of righteousness”?

What are your thoughts on preterism? Does God guarantee increase in our income if we give to the gospel? What is “the power working within us” in Ephesians 3? Should we just go out and sin so that grace shines more brightly?

“You will be saved, you and your household”

Why does Acts say “you will be saved, you and your household” if each individual needs to believe? What “commandments” does God refer to in Revelation 14? Why would Jesus call the church “dead” in Revelation if we are alive in Christ? If people in Jesus’ day called Satan “the prince of demons”, then who […]

12.13.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why is Jesus called “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah? Did Peter, James and John have the same revelation as Paul? If Jesus really is God, then how did He not know the time of His return? Does God change His mind? What does “do not be conformed to the world” really mean in Romans 12?

11.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does God give us choices? Will only some Christians be raptured at Jesus’s return? Is Jesus only the Son of God, or is He actually God also? Why is there an altar mentioned in the Book of Revelation? What about those who think there’ll be future animal sacrifices in a new Temple?

10.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is your view of the atonement? I have forgiven my abuser, but as a Christian, must I still choose to be around them? Are we constantly opening the door to demons when we sin? Does God send Satan to torture people? Why did Paul lay hands on Timothy? Do we go to God right […]

09.29.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What kind of prophet was Agabus? How was he able to warn Paul about his future? What does “the power of life and death is in the tongue” really mean? Can we speak away sickness and poverty? Do we word-curse ourselves by speaking negatively? Where does the new heart fit in with spirit, soul, and […]

08.01.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does God judge Christians or not? What is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 5:10? Why does Galatians 6 quote from the Old Testament about muzzling an ox? What is the law of Christ? What are your thoughts on the Word of Faith movement?

07.28.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are the resurrected brought to life for a thousand years before the return of Christ? Today, I spent two hours telling a stranger about God’s grace, and it’s already helping his marriage. Is there a first, second, and third heaven? How do we respond to those who follow modern-day prophets making outrageous claims?

07.25.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How is there no condemnation for us if we still reap what we sow? Has anyone tested the prophecy in Revelation? What does it mean to be spiritually dead? Can spiritually dead people call upon the Lord? Do believers have to give an account of themselves? Are we judged for our sins?

07.18.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does God judge Christians or not? What is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 5:10? Why does Galatians 6 quote from the Old Testament about muzzling an ox? What is the law of Christ? What are your thoughts on the Word of Faith movement?

07.12.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I was taught my son would be healed because of my faith, and then he died. Can you speak to this sort of teaching? How do we have “the mind of Christ” yet our minds are being “renewed”? How should we interpret the meaning of “lawlessness” in 1 John 3:4? What are your thoughts on […]

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