“What’s happening in Heaven right now?”

What are people doing in Heaven right now? My son died of a drug overdose, and I wonder where he is now. Can I know? My friend is trying to pressure me into sex. Is he husband material? What does “many are called, but few are chosen” really mean?

“The Holy Spirit spoke through me!”

Does the Holy Spirit sometimes speak through us? What does that entail? Is “once saved, always saved” really true? What about being lukewarm? Isn’t there an unpardonable sin? What’s on your heart and mind lately, Andrew? How should we view the impossible demands of the Sermon on the Mount? My long-time boyfriend and I are […]

“I want to love and respect my wife?”

How can I overcome sexual temptation and have a healthy marriage? My wife and I have had many disputes, some ending in verbal and physical abuse. We are now living separately and need counseling. I’m struggling with how to respond when she seems embittered toward me. Can you help?

“I feel overwhelmed with problems. Am I cursed?”

I have a toxic relationship with my ex-husband. What can I do to move on? My husband doesn’t want to be intimate as much as I do. What should I do? So many things are going wrong in my life, and I feel overwhelmed with problems. Am I cursed?

06.18.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Passages in the Old Testament seem harsh at times. How can I have more faith? Does Hebrews 6 mean I can fall away and lose my salvation? In Matthew 24, who endures and what does that mean? I’ve been divorced and remarried. Am I living in adultery? My boyfriend tried to persuade me to have […]

10.09.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do I overcome fornication with my ex-husband? I’m frustrated that freedom in Christ is not taught everywhere! How is the Gospel not fear-based or performance-driven? Do you think Peter killed Ananias and Sapphira? How do I find a body of believers that will accept me as a forgiven person? I struggle every day with […]

07.03.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!

Is it biblical to not have sex before marriage? What does taking the Lord’s supper in an unworthy manner mean? Do I have to go to Church? Are we supposed to work on the seventh day?

11.18.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

What are your thoughts on sex before marriage? Is it ok to marry someone who isn’t a Christian? What are your thoughts on vision? Do you have to be fully submersed in water baptism to be saved? Are women allowed to preach? How can I know that I am going to heaven? Can we keep the ten commandments perfectly?

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