02.14.2016 – Andrew Farley Live!
Will you explain more about the spirit, soul and body? Are we supposed to strive to love like it describes in 1 Corinthians 13? Is the marriage covenant broken when your spouse leaves but there is no immorality? Am I free to marry if I get divorced? Will we be judged for our sins? What […]
12.20.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!
What are your thoughts on Matthew 18:15-19? What does Hebrews 6 mean? What about rewards, what role do they play in our life? What does Jesus mean in Matthew 7, when He says “depart from me I never knew you”? Is there conditional forgiveness? What are your thoughts on global warming in reference to 2 […]
11.15.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!
What does be being filled mean? How do I get right with God? Does the spirit need to be fed? In terms of spirit, soul and body, when we are filled with the Holy spirit, what part of us is being filled? What are your thoughts on fasting? Do I need to go to church […]
09.20.2015 – Andrew Farley Live!
We are supposed to walk by faith, but when will God comfort me or change my feelings? If we don’t support Israel, will God curse us? What does it mean to be acquainted with weakness? When I am worshiping and I start crying, is that the spirit or the soul or both? What does the Parable of the sower […]