What does “repent” really mean?

What does repent actually mean in Acts 2:38? I go to three churches, so do I need to tithe to all of them? What does Jesus mean when He says in Matthew 17 that they don’t have mustard-seed-sized faith? My wife wants to divorce me. What should I do? repent, Acts 2, tithing, Matthew 17, […]

“I’m a pastor and have never taught tithing!”

What is the purpose of the Mark 7 discussion on dogs eating crumbs from the table? What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? I’ve been a pastor for many years and have never taught tithing. Grace giving works!

“Is their blood on our hands?”

I’ve been told we need to confront other people about their struggles, or their blood is on our hands. Is this true? Is tithing for New Testament believers? How do you prove to Jehovah’s Witnesses that Jesus is God? Do humans really have free will? We make choices everyday, but aren’t we always slaves of […]

Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples?

Why did Jesus breathe on the disciples? Does this mean there are two portions of the Holy Spirit that we can expect today? Do we see conditional forgiveness in the Old Testament law? Why did Jesus teach it in the Lord’s Prayer? A popular Bible teacher says we’re robbing ourselves of a blessing if we […]

“I’m not living up to God’s expectations!”

Is there any sadness or disappointment in Heaven? Will disputes be settled and bitterness be healed in Heaven? Do angels have bodies like humans? How are our minds renewed? I feel like I’m not living up to God’s expectations. I heard you teach that we don’t need to tithe 10% today. Where do we find […]

What is the “harvest of righteousness”?

What are your thoughts on preterism? Does God guarantee increase in our income if we give to the gospel? What is “the power working within us” in Ephesians 3? Should we just go out and sin so that grace shines more brightly?

12.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

How do you respond to someone who says we believers are under the Law concerning tithing? Can Christians can lose their salvation if they are sealed with the Holy Spirit? One of my family members is acting bizarrely, and I wonder how “making it right with your brother” relates to my situation?

12.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

When it comes to tithing, what about Cain and Abel? And what about Melchizedek? And what about Ananias and Sapphira? Does God show extra favor to those who give sacrificially? Why does Paul describe himself as using craftiness or trickery in 2 Corinthians 12? What are your thoughts on “hypergrace”? Does your theology address how […]

12.10.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why did Corinthian women need to cover their heads? Do unbelievers also have “eternal life” in Hell? I disagree with you: Tithing is for today! Also, if everyone stopped tithing, how would our churches survive? Was Jesus born in Adam? Was Jesus really born on December 25?

11.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Is baptism required for salvation? My church teaches tithing, so is that the truth? Is God judging the United States? Can women speak in church? Did God use my law-based past to help me understand His grace better? Are we all God’s children? How do I know if I’m using my freedom to indulge the […]

09.15.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit when you believe? Can my husband and I take a break from tithing? So many preachers are saying it’s “God’s will” to heal everyone, so why aren’t we all healed? Can we lose our salvation?

06.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Does a believer need to confess and repent from every sin in order to experience healing? Apart from receiving Christ, is there anything else needed to be saved? What is your take on Matthew 24 that mentions two men in a field and one who is taken? Is Paul referring to two different types of […]

01.30.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Can you shed some light on Jude 1:22-23? My brother is starting a commune of sorts. What are your thoughts on that? I heard a pastor teach the tithing is still required. Is that true? Were the apostles selected to preach the gospel? What is predestination? Who are the elect?

01.12.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why do we continue to hear messages from Malachi 3 about robbing God if we’re in the new covenant? Can a person who’s truly been saved lose their salvation? Who was Rahab and what is the significance of knowing her story?

12.18.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does John 5:24 say we will not be judged if Hebrews 10:30 says the Lord will judge his people? Who is Melchizedek? Does God judge us for our past or the past of our ancestors? Are we to avoid every “sin” in the New Testament? If so, how? I lock myself in my room […]

10.20.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the difference between deception from Satan and a delusion from God? My church states that tithing was part of the “natural law”? Did tithing really occur before the law? Should New Testament giving be more than ten percent?

08.11.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What role does the conscience play for the believer? The unbeliever? How can we look at behavior passages in a healthy way, without turning them into legalism? Do I need to tithe to my church? Or can I give to a nonprofit instead?

07.31.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Is Mark 11:24 a “name it and claim it” verse? Where do unbelievers go upon death? What do you think of “if you build God’s house, He will build yours”? How can we speak truth without being judgmental? I struggle with obsessive thinking that leads to depression. […]

07.10.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

What purpose did animal sacrifice serve in the Old Testament? Why did God order the destruction of the Amalekites? How should we pray after a sin struggle in light of Christ’s finished work? Do we “walk by the Spirit” to enter God’s rest? Should Christians be tithing 10% because of Abraham’s gift to Melchizedek before […]

07.07.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why does Galatians 5:4 say people can be “severed from Christ”? Do we need to tithe 10%? What does grace-based giving really look like? Was it wrong for Jesus to heal on the Sabbath? How can I better navigate helping people who have to make tough decisions about keeping a family member on life-support?