“They won’t let me take communion!”

How should I pray for my friend who may become a missionary? What are your thoughts on the outcome of positive thinking? Do the beliefs of the “early church fathers” offer us a sound perspective on Christianity? Do I need to become an official member of my church? They won’t let me take communion until […]

Tradition vs. Truth

My roommate is controlling and jealous in the ways she treats me. I’m wondering what to do. How do you view church tradition versus Scripture when they seem to contradict sometimes? What about the Orthodox church?

03.26.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Do Christians have to “die to self” daily? Why does Paul say “I consider it all loss” in Philippians 3? Did Jesus know what would happen and allow Judas to betray Him? Can you be in Christ but still think “in Adam” at times? My relatives are Eastern Orthodox, and they argue their faith is […]

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