How can you live out 1 Corinthians 13 love?

The well-known chapter on love, 1 Corinthians 13 is recited at weddings and held up as a model for relationships. Being patient, kind, bearing all things, keeping no record of wrongs, never failing… As the list goes on, you might wonder if it’s a realistic expectation for you or anyone else!

In this short video clip, I unpack this beautiful passage and share why it’s actually not a standard we should try to live up to through effort. In fact, it’s not about achieving anything! No, it’s about receiving this perfect love from God and reflecting it to others.

You’ll be inspired by a new understanding of this passage, as you realize it was never meant to be an impossible to-do list but instead a revelation of God’s heart for you.


Learn more about God’s love for you in my message Won’t You Be Mine or my reflections on 1 Corinthians 13.

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