While the world may portray Christianity as stiff, lifeless, and judgmental, the reality is far from that. The Gospel and Jesus Himself are off the charts incredible.
When you receive Christ, you are made new. You are completely forgiven, accepted, and loved and have access to the comfort and guidance of the God of the Universe. There is no standard to meet, because Jesus has already met it perfectly. You have the incredible privilege of having the presence of Jesus with you and in you forever.
In this short video clip, I share even more of the daily benefits of knowing Jesus here and now. You’ll be encouraged by the freedom, fulfillment, and joy that come from recognizing you now have access to the most fulfilling life possible!
Learn more about the joy and freedom in your connection to Christ in this short video, Can Christianity Be Fun? or check out my BibleQuestions.com Q&A topic, Christ in You!