Here’s the final installment in our Romans series in which Paul says goodbye to friends and shares some deep and meaningful truths along the way. Here, you’ll learn about…
- false teachings
- women in church
- more on predestination!
- the “obedience of faith”
I hope you enjoy this message as our series in Romans reaches its dramatic finale!
Discussion Questions for Romans 15:22-16:27:
- What are some of the key truths in the book of Romans that mean the most to you? Why?
- How does Romans 15:22-27 show Paul’s commitment to spreading the message and the unity and generosity of the churches at that time?
- What do you think Paul means by “the fullness of the blessing of Christ” (v. 29)?
- This chapter offers several pieces of evidence that women were very active in the early church. What are they?
- How does Romans 2:7 respond to the false teaching that everyone (the whole world) is in Christ?
- Read verses 17-19. What sort of deceivers does Paul seem to be concerned about here?
- As Paul closes out the letter (verses 25-27), how does he once again allude to the true meaning of predestination (the gospel going out to the Gentiles)?
- What is the “obedience of faith” (verse 26)? In your own words, explain.