The Man, Christ Jesus

In just a few short days, we’ll be celebrating Christmas, so I want to share with you my latest message titled “The Man, Christ Jesus.”

Did you know Jesus is still human today? Yes, resurrection human, but human nonetheless! Jesus could have given up His humanity after His resurrection? But He didn’t! In this message, we’ll explore the significance of Jesus being fully God and fully human today, even in His resurrected state.

Also, Jesus said He didn’t come to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28). So, what does it mean to “let Jesus serve you”?

And lastly, in a world where everyone clings to their “rights”, why did we see Jesus giving up His rights – His right to be understood, appreciated, and respected? And what does it mean for us to “give up our rights” in situations we face today?

I encourage you to listen to this message – it contains a lot of new thoughts and perspectives to offer you this Christmas season.

Discussion Questions for “The Man, Christ Jesus”:

  1. What would it look like for you to “give up your rights” in a situation that is overwhelming you?
  2. Why is the fact that Jesus is still fully human (resurrected human) today so important?
  3. What does Jesus learning obedience tell us about knowledge or growth not determining righteousness or identity?
  4. React to this statement: Jesus was tempted in every way and felt the full gamut of human emotions.
  5. In your own words, what does it mean to “let Jesus serve you”?
  6. Interpret this statement as it relates to your personal relationship with Jesus: Christmas means compatibility.

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