EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 12

Discussion Questions for Colossians 2:

  1. Read verse 8. What kinds of “empty deception” or worldly philosophies do you think people are most prone to today, and how do these ideas contrast with the message of Christ?
  2. Read verses 9-10. How does the fullness of Christ that Paul describes impact your sense of identity and completeness in Him?
  3. Read verse 11. How does this idea of “putting off the body of flesh” relate to the new life we have in Christ?
  4. Read verses 13-14. How do these verses emphasize the way God has dealt with our sins? What impact can this total forgiveness have on our daily lives and how we view ourselves?
  5. Read verse 15. How does the image of Christ disarming rulers and authorities give you a fresh perspective on the battles you face? What does His victory mean for you?
  6. Read verses 16-17. Paul talks about religious regulations as a “shadow of things to come.” How can we avoid lifeless religiosity and embrace the substance found in Christ?
  7. Read verses 20-21. Paul asks why believers submit to religious rules after having died with Christ. In what ways are we today tempted to follow human regulations or legalistic practices? How do we remain focused on our freedom in Christ and living from Him instead?
  8. Read verses 22-23. How do religious rules have “the appearance of wisdom” but lack value? How can we discern between genuine spiritual growth and empty religious rule-following?

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