“Should I keep attending my church or leave?”

What is the mark of the beast? Should I stay at my church if they don’t teach the grace of God? I feel negative and awful every morning. What should I do? Are belief and faith different things?

“Did I take the mark of the beast?”

Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?

02.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

If we don’t have a certain level of works, are we not saved? How can I best share the message of God’s grace? Are there modern-day apostles? Does God warn us in dreams? Who will worship the beast in Revelation 13? Do sinful thoughts come from a believer’s heart?