“Should I keep attending my church or leave?”
What is the mark of the beast? Should I stay at my church if they don’t teach the grace of God? I feel negative and awful every morning. What should I do? Are belief and faith different things?
“Did I take the mark of the beast?”
Are all sins equal? What about consequences? And what about judgment and punishment? I drank an energy drink, and now I’m afraid I took the mark of the beast! I visit church services of many denominations, and I wonder what’s most important to look for in a church?
11.16.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Will the Holy Spirit ever leave me? My wife left me, and I’m wondering if I’m allowed to remarry. Am I? Have the seals in Revelation already been opened? How should we view the book of Revelation?
02.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
If we don’t have a certain level of works, are we not saved? How can I best share the message of God’s grace? Are there modern-day apostles? Does God warn us in dreams? Who will worship the beast in Revelation 13? Do sinful thoughts come from a believer’s heart?