04.06.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Would you say salvation is simple? What about “easy believism” – is it Biblical? Why does Jesus talk about watching and waiting for His return? Does James 5:15 mean we are not forgiven of future sins yet? What is the sin that leads to death? Why can’t we pray to prevent it?
01.05.2014 – Andrew Farley Live!
If you don’t have a passion, are you a Christian? Does God provide us for our need not our wants? When do we know to offer grace to someone who is living in sin and doesn’t want to change? Do we know when Christ will return? When can we divorce someone?
04.21.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!
What do the gifts of the spirit mean? What are your thoughts on guaranteed healing? What does Jesus mean when He says if I don’t wash your feet you have no part with me? What are your thoughts on women speaking in the church? What are your thoughts on Christ return? Does taking the Lords supper lead to healing?
01.06.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!
If you don’t have a passion, are you a Christian? Does God provide us for our need not our wants? When do we know to offer grace to someone who is living in sin and doesn’t want to change? Do we know when Christ will return? When can we divorce someone?