01.22.2018 – Andrew Farley Live!

Should we obey everything that Jesus taught, even “cut off your hand” and “pluck out your eye” and “be perfect”? What is God’s discipline really like? To what degree should I interpret my circumstances as God teaching me a lesson? How active can a Christian be in politics?

04.07.2017 – Andrew Farley Live!

Are there blessings for doing right, and curses for doing wrong? What about discipline? How are women supposed to act in Church? What about 1 Corinthians 3 and judgment and reward?

05.01.2016b – Andrew Farley Live!

I have a feeling of inadequacy, can you help me? What are your thoughts on the judgment seat, and 2 Corinthians 5:10? How does the discipline of the Lord fit into the Christian life?

12.01.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

What does it mean to be free from Religion? How can God and Jesus be the same if Jesus doesn’t know when God is coming back? What is it that replaces laws and rules for us? How do we stay disciplined? What is your opinion of Ephesians 5:30? What is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gospel of […]

11.17.2013 – Andrew Farley Live!

You say yesterday was the Law and today is grace, how does that fit with God being the same forever? What are your thoughts on satans synagogue? What is the suffering mentioned in Romans 8:17? In Genesis 3:22, what is God talking about? If God remembers our sin no more, how does discipline work?

07.29.2012 – Andrew Farley Live!

I am saved but I struggle with the fear of hell, what do I do about this? Why did God create us, if he needs nothing? What’s the purpose? I haven’t been walking with God, and lost my job, is God teaching a lesson? What about God disciplining us? What happens to babies and young children who die young? What […]

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