“I struggle with so much doubt!”
I struggle with doubt and accusation, and I just don’t know why. Can you help me? Are we born sinners? Or is that not really biblical? My father reached a point of despair where he took his own life. Where is he now?
“I get perverted thoughts and doubt my salvation!”
Will Christians give an account to God? What is Hebrews 4:13 about? Did Paul disobey God in Acts 18 by going to Asia against His instruction? Is this why Paul was stricken with a difficult circumstance? Might God do the same to us if we disobey? Who is the false prophet in Revelation 2? Could […]
“Does it keep you up at night?”
Does it keep you up at night that some people believe the opposite: that we can lose our salvation? My son committed suicide, and I wonder if he is with the Lord. What are your thoughts? Sometimes I doubt my salvation. Is that a sign I’m not truly saved? My daughter has decided the Orthodox […]
“The book of James scares me!”
I’m struggling with doubt and fear. I have questions about James 2 and faith and works. When Jesus returns, is it to take us to Heaven or establish a new Earth? How do I stop being judgmental of others? Should I be talking to my husband about past sexual experiences with other men?
Does God not hear our prayers when we sin?
What is adultery in God’s view? What about polygamy in the Old Testament? When we die, are we immediately with Jesus? Does Hebrews 10 mean anyone who sins “willfully” goes to hell? If we regard iniquity in our hearts, does God not hear us? It feels like my prayers are never answered. It causes me […]
“I wonder if I have true faith!”
I wonder if I have true faith and if I’m really saved. I struggle so much with sin, so I doubt my salvation. How can you tell if you are in the faith? What about those to whom Jesus will say, “Depart from Me“? What is “the obedience of faith” that we see in Romans […]
11.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why do dispensationalists say there’s one message for Jews and another for Gentiles? Who was Jesus praying for when He said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”? Is there a difference between confessing and asking for forgiveness? Will we remember our unbelieving friends and relatives in Heaven? If God’s Spirit bears witness […]
07.21.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Why does God allow us to doubt? Why do some people love my “big personality” and others do not? Can you actually feel your soul? How much should we hope for healing?
06.27.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What does it mean to see in a mirror dimly? Can you explain what you wrote in your book, “Self improvement is a sin and an impossibility”? What is the purpose of water baptism? I start to worry when I have periods of doubt about my faith. What should I do?
06.04.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
I feel overwhelmed by doubt about my salvation. Can you help me? Is salvation based on God choosing you? When was Paul actually saved? I suffer from depression and wonder why I don’t experience the peace of God. Can you explain? My friends tell me that because I’m divorced and remarried, I’m living in adultery. […]
01.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
What do you do about doubts concerning salvation? What are the “various kinds of tongues” in 1 Corinthians 12? Can Christians get tattoos? What do we say to people who claim the Bible isn’t true because of the age of the Earth? What kind of amends should I try to make for the hurt I […]
06.13.2022 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
When a believer sins, is it rebellion? What does James 1 say we should ask God for without doubting? How do you forgive someone from the heart? What if your feelings don’t line up? Will cremation keep us from enjoying a new, resurrection body? Is it okay to ask God for protection, both physical and […]