“Why did Abe sleep with another woman?”

How do I start a home group or home church? Were Abraham and Sarah just confused about how God would fulfill His promise concerning Isaac? Why did they opt for “Plan B” with Hagar? Isn’t Hebrews 6 teaching that a believer’s name can be blotted out of the Book of Life? What is it saying […]

“What’s the Calvinist TULIP?”

Why did Jesus speak in such mysterious parables at times? Why are some people Paul haters? I go to a church that teaches the Calvinist tulip. Should I leave?

“How should we view the Book of Revelation?”

Please explain what you teach about altars and altar calls. A pastor I know claims that “once saved, always saved” is not in the Bible. Is that true? What is the “preterist” view of the Book of Revelation? Does it have any merit? How was Jesus heard by thousands of people at one time without […]

“Saved” Means SAVED!

I’m praying for a new revelation. How long does it take to know Jesus? What should I do about a church leadership that is pressuring me? Should I be concerned about generational curses or generational sins? Can women be leaders in church? Is “once saved, always saved” actually true?

“I’m afraid of dying!”

Is there a point of no return for believers? How can I overcome my fear of dying? Why does Jesus say he will spew some out of His mouth in the book of Revelation? Does that mean loss of salvation?

“Does it keep you up at night?”

Does it keep you up at night that some people believe the opposite: that we can lose our salvation? My son committed suicide, and I wonder if he is with the Lord. What are your thoughts? Sometimes I doubt my salvation. Is that a sign I’m not truly saved? My daughter has decided the Orthodox […]

“Few are chosen”?

What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? How can I share the message of eternal security? What does “many are called, few are chosen” mean? Does our daily “practice” determine our salvation?

“Hosea married a prostitute?”*

Why do some people only read what appears to be half of Romans 8:1? Should I be good friends with unbelievers if they’re pulling me away from other Christians? Does Hebrew 6 mean the blood of Jesus could run out on me? I don’t understand the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer. Why would […]

“The Holy Spirit spoke through me!”

Does the Holy Spirit sometimes speak through us? What does that entail? Is “once saved, always saved” really true? What about being lukewarm? Isn’t there an unpardonable sin? What’s on your heart and mind lately, Andrew? How should we view the impossible demands of the Sermon on the Mount? My long-time boyfriend and I are […]

“Hosea married a prostitute?”

Why do some people only read what appears to be half of Romans 8:1? Should I be good friends with unbelievers if they’re pulling me away from other Christians? Does Hebrew 6 mean the blood of Jesus could run out on me? I don’t understand the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer. Why would […]

“My husband died without a last repentance!”

How can I find a believing wife? How can I address my struggle with lust? Does Hebrew 6 teach that we can lose our salvation? My husband died recently and did not repent of any last-minute sins. Is he still in Heaven with God?

“50% of us believe they can lose salvation”

Are there varying degrees of rewards in Heaven? About half of our congregation believes they can lose their salvation. I found this out when our pastor taught on Hebrew 6. What are your thoughts?

Why go to church?

Do I need to go to church more consistently? Who are the people with “soiled garments” in Revelation 3? My mother passed away last week, and I’m not sure that I’m making enough time for God right now. What are your thoughts?

“What if I stop believing?”

Why did Jesus mention Heaven and Earth passing away in reference to the Law? Can Christians really have more fun than unbelievers? Is generational trauma a real thing? What about generational curses? Can a Christian stop believing and lose their salvation? What about free will?

10.19.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why did Paul say to be eager for spiritual gifts if Jesus is the central focus? Is Ephesians 5 offering a list of Christians who lose their salvation through bad behavior? Is it okay to attend Alcoholics Anonymous? Why did John the Baptist say that Jesus would perform a greater baptism on us?

06.01.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Are there levels of punishment in Hell? Would it be enough to call on the Lord to save you on your deathbed? Or is more repentance from sins needed? What is 2 Thessalonians 2 really saying about a “rebellion” or “departure” from the truth? Is it about people walking away from the Gospel and losing […]

05.24.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Why don’t we need to recite the Lord’s Prayer? My friends believe in guaranteed healing- that God wants to heal everyone. What should I tell them? If we are once saved, always saved, then what is the meaning of the Parable of the Sower?

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