“A better deal than Adam and Eve?”

Do we still need to deny ourselves? Who has a reprobate mind? Do we go to be with God immediately upon death or do we have to wait? Did Adam and Eve actually see God? What was it like for them?

“We unplug from Adam and get plugged in to Christ”

What are the ways in which Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled by Jesus? What exactly happened at the fall for Adam and Eve? I want a deeper spiritual relationship with someone close to me, but I always seem to feel rejected. Any advice?

08.11.2023 – The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

I asked five Christians if we’re under the Law, and I was blown away by their answers! Why didn’t God tell Adam and Eve not to sin and fall? Who are the “wolves” in Matthew 7 that brag on their accomplishments on the Day of Judgment?

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